Wikipedia has a humorous detail about an honorary award he received from the KKK. (Remember, the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats who were opposed to Lincoln and the Republican Party.)
What happens when he develops appendicitis or any one of a thousand other maladies? Also, David chooses to live there. RC and the fictional CN did not, and left at the first opportunity.
John Candy's stoic smile at the end of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is saddening and unforgettable—a triumph of the human spirit over remorseless fate. Miss ya, John.
It's only fitting, is it not, that we taxpayers in the Land of Liberty funded development of the most liberating tool ever devised, the Internet. In fact, the Internet might be America's most important legacy to future civilizations.
Also, David chooses to live there. RC and the fictional CN did not, and left at the first opportunity.
Miss ya, John.
In fact, the Internet might be America's most important legacy to future civilizations.