David K. Israel's Blog Posts

Hunger Meeting [no. 1028 @KCCOTyler]

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How Many Problems Do I Have? [no. 1027 @LuvPug]

Questions In Need of Answers - No. 6: Which TV Characters Do You Miss Most?

Let's clarify something straight away with this week's question: When I ask which characters you miss most, I don't necessarily mean characters whose shows have finished, been cancelled or characters who've died. It could be characters in those situations, but it could also be characters you miss because the show is inbetween seasons.

For instance, my wife and I binge watched Orange is the New Black and now find ourselves feeling totally and completely bereft. I texted her this morning, in fact, saying: I miss College! I miss Red! And it's true. I really can't wait to rejoin Chapman, Alex and the whole glorious gang next season. Good for Netflix, releasing 13 episodes in one shot. Love that. It's definately the future of serial television. But oh is it hard to pace yourself, eh?

SooOooo: Which characters do YOU miss most?

A Day in the Life of Freddie Wong

Over the past few years, we've posted Freddie Wong videos nearly two dozen times. It's safe to say he's our favorite filmmaker on YouTube, hands down. His love of video games, action sequences, special effects and good story telling set him in a league of his own on the video platform - definately not the usual YouTube rat-a-tat. 

So when Alex asked me to venture with over with him to Freddie's production studio in Burbank to create this "Day in the Life of" video, I jumped at the chance. As you might expect, Freddie is down-to-earth, humble, affable, witty and has a lot to say. You'll hear in the interview below that he's been living on soda the past few weeks, pulling late nights to keep the latest season (#2) of his Video Game High School (VGHS) series on schedule. If you haven't been watching the show, I'll post a few of the 1st season episodes after the jump, but it's a new, really fun action comedy set in the near future where video gaming elevates its best players to stardom by its position as the world's most popular competitive sport. VGHS is an elite and prestigious facility almost impossible to gain entry to, which teaches a curriculum of video games of all genres. The episodes, which, in some cases are as long as traditional TV comedy shows, have racked up tens of millions of views and there are already plans for a season 3 next year.

So watch our interview, get a tour of the Rocket Jump facilities, meet some of the creators and listen to Freddie talk about this unique moment in history where content creators have (more or less) complete control over what they produce, where they publish it, and how it gets distributed. 

Oh, and if you haven't already, make sure you join the more than 6 million other cool cats who've subscribed to FreddieW. Although, I guess even if you don't we'll continue to post his vids right here at neatorama. 

Continue reading

Whiteboard Contest on Twitter and G+

Easy one here! Draw something creative, witty, interesting or otherwise humorous on a whiteboard and get it to us using hashtag #neatWB via Google Plus or Twitter. We'll pick our 3 favorites, publish them on the blog and give winners some free tees from the neatoshop!

How simple is that? Now, go, do it! Before this hammer catches up with you too!

Contest open until Sunday the 18th of August.

Heroin or Heroine? [no. 1026 - @The_YUNiversity]

Questions In Need of Answers - No. 5: What Non-Traditional Medical Cures Actually Work?

After years of suffering through various types of ailments, using traditional prescriptions from traditional Western doctors, and going through various procedures at Dr.'s offices and Out-Patient facilities, I felt like I was at a dead end... like nothing worked for some of these persistent problems. Then I discovered the magic of ACV, or apple cider vinegar, which has, in some cases, cured my problems and in other cases greatly reduced the issue. Now, let's be clear here, I am not a medical doctor and Neatorama does not suggest that ACV is an actual "drug" that contains "magic" properties. Nor are we in cahoots with any ACV manufacturer. 

But I will say that it has changed my life. Without going into any great details of what the issues were/are, I can say that ACV has helped me with skin problems and stomach/intestinal problems. And you can read up on what others believe are the benefits of ACV here.

Soooo, my question this week is:

1) What persistent or otherwise irksome health issues have you cured or eased with non-traditional treatments, medicines or "magic potions" ? In other words: What works?!

Questions In Need of Answers - No. 4 - What Foods Have the Longest Shelf Lives?

I recently tweeted over on our Twitter account how honey is the only food that, if left as is, won't ever spoil. Let's pretend my wife and I were building a space in the garage to prepare for the apocalypse. (Just pretending, of course.) My question this week is:

1) What other foods do you have on your shelves that last a long time? What do you recommend we stock up on?

Image via www.androidguys.com

Ray Donovan's LA

My wife and I started watching the new Showtime original, Ray Donovan. It's set in and around Los Angeles, staring Liev Schreiber as a tall, dark, handsome, former Southy who's now a big-shot Hollywood tough guy doing Mr. FixIt work for some sketchy entertainment lawyers. To tell you the truth, if my friend Elliott Gould were not co-starring in it (as one of the aforementioned lawyers), I wouldn't have watched it past episode 2 or 3. Just not my cup of tea. But we're about midway through the season now and there is still some entertainment value in the show for me.

We watch and laugh at how easily Ray gets from, say Malibu to West Hollywood. Or from Hollywood to Compton. As you can see on the map below, LA is giant. It can easily take 1.5 hours to get from Malibu to West Hollywood in traffic. Never mind how long it would take to drive from Compton to Calabasas, deep in the Valley where Ray's family lives. But not in Ray Donovan's LA! He steps into his Mercedes and in the time it takes to make one phone call to his secretary or hit-man, he's already at his next destination, no road rage, no wrinkles in his suit jacket, no stops to urinate or get gas... I mean, I know all about suspension of disbelief, but seriously. Does the Mercedes fly and we just haven't seen that episode yet?

Anyone else watching the show and find this as funny as we do? Anyone in love with the show? What are we missing? What do you like so much about it? (Okay, besides Liev Schreiber?)

10 of the Hardest Logic Puzzles Ever Created

Patrick Min, a freelance scientific programmer has created number puzzles like Calcudoku and Killer Sudoku for many years. Recently, he decided to try and find the most challenging ones out there. 

Our pals over at conceptispuzzles.com hosted the list for Patrick where you'll find both familiar puzzles and games such as Sudoku and Calcudoku as well as lesser known ones such as the Bongard Problem and Fill-a-Pix. Some of these puzzles can be solved right on their site, others can be downloaded or reached elsewhere. All of them, however, are promised to test your solving skills to the absolute limit and keep you busy for hours, if not days.

Link via Conceptispuzzles (Thanks Gil!)

Sausage Time! [no. 1025 - @SarahMillican75]

~Illustrated by: Jake Slingland~

Don't Bother Him At Work [no. 1024 - @Lpbinder]

Questions In Need of Answers - No. 3

It's time for another Questions In Need of Answers. Rather than Google for these answers, we put them to the neatoramanaut community. Because you guys are way smarter than Google's algorithms...

1. Our family recently inherited an Xbox. Much rejoicing! Problem is: Playing Xbox with a human 1/7th your age and 1/3 your size is hard. It's hard to find games we both like, we can both play, and it's especially hard to find kinect games that work for two people of such drastically different heights/sizes. Soooo, my question is: What are some games we should try that adult and 6-year-old could possibly play together, using kinect or controllers? 

2. I'm tired of bad frozen pizza, which seems to be all we ever come home with. In your opinion(s), what's the best frozen pizza out there? Help!

Can I Subscribe To Your Issues? [no. 1023 - @PUEBLOPLUG]

Why Do We Say: "It's A Doozy"?

I was at the Ford Museum in Detroit recently and they had a couple Duesenberg Model J cars from the 1930s on display. As I was standing in awe of these cars, two women were standing next to me talking about how the phrase, "It's a doozy," meaning, something awesome, extraordinary or powerful, comes from Duesenberg's nickname, "Duesy." Duesenbergs were ridiculously expensive in their day, with some costing as much as $25,000 when the average U.S. physician earned less than $3,000 a year.

The women's attribution didn't seem accurate to me, but I was really curious as to the origin so I started poking around online and discovered that no one actually knows for certain where the phrase comes from. But there are some theories.

1) Doozy could be an alteration of an older slang, "It's a daisy," meaning something beautiful.
2) It could have originated around a popular Italian actress during the late 1800s, early 1900s, Eleonora Duse, who often simply went as Duse. 
3) According to this video over on Webster, doozy originally appeared as "dozy" in eastern Ohio in 1916 -- four years prior to the production of the first Duesenberg vehicles. They also claim there is little evidence connecting the Duesenberg and doozy during the '20s and '30s, when the car was most popular. "Dozy" is akin to the verb "dozen" that is semantically and etymologically related to "daze."
4) Finally, many people DO, indeed, attribute it the majesty of the Duesenberg car after all, which after doing my research, does seem the most interesting at least, despite what Webster says.

Image via www.sportscardigest.com

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