David K. Israel's Blog Posts

July 2010 - HDYK? - Day 2/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: Josh Gibson, nicknamed "the black Babe Ruth", was considered one of the greatest catchers in baseball history. In what year was he Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame?

July HDYK - Day 1 Level 3

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: A megadeath is = to how many deaths?

(And for those playing HDYK through to the end, next week, you'll need to tell us the connection between the song Megadeth was playing there and today's theme! DO NOT leave the connection below in the comments. HINT: Use the same technique that brought you to this page.)

July 2010 - HDYK? - Day 1/Level 3 Bonus (Alternate!)

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: A megadeath is = to how many deaths?

(And for those playing HDYK through to the end, next week, you'll need to tell us the connection between the song Megadeth was playing there and today's theme! DO NOT leave the connection below in the comments. HINT: Use the same technique that brought you to this page.)

GTFO Winners!

At long last! The votes have been tallied and checked for shenanigans, and we’re happy to present you with the results:

Coming in at 5th place, with 6% of the vote, Sword Juggler Guy.

Taking 4th place, with 12% of the vote, Mr. Don’t-Try-This-At-Home, Lightbulb Chewing Guy!

Right ahead of him, with 12.5% of the vote, Amadeus himself, Backwards Piano Playing Guy! in 3rd place.

One of our personal favorites took 2nd place, Star Wars Theme/UniPiper Guy with 28.5% of the vote. And for all you who didn’t turn in a video after our kilt-wearing piper set the bar so high in the first week of the contest, it seems there’s a lesson to be learned from Ms. Arm Rotating Girl, who was one of the last to submit and wound up with more than 30% of the vote and FIRST PLACE! Congrats to all our winners!

Now, before you go jumping on our necks in the comments, don’t forget the ‘O’ in GTFO stood for “Otherwise.” That means it wasn’t JUST a talent contest. Keep that in mind for our next GTFO contest, coming next year! Meantime, winners, please drop me a line (david ‘at’ neatorama.com) and we’ll get those prizes out to you.

Matt Blum's ‘Great Bacon Odyssey’

Alex mentioned it briefly the other day, but I thought Matt Blum's odyssey was worthy of another post a) in case you missed Alex's and b) because you just can't ever get enough bacon, right? Right!

So our friend over at GeekDad, Matt Blum, is on a mission which, in his words, means "trying anything and everything with bacon or bacon flavoring that I can lay my hands on. I will be trying the questionable bacon products as a public service, so you don’t have to." To-date, he's made and/or reviewed , Bacon Gumballs, a hamburger wrapped in ten strips of bacon, a hamburger ground entirely from bacon, and most recently: Fried chicken with a bacon crust.
According to Matt, it tastes much better than it looks, so I'll definitely be trying the recipe out soon! You should, too. And you should also help Matt find his next bacon bite on the odyssey. You could score a $25 gift certificate from the  awesome folks at ThinkGeek if your suggestion is picked up!
http://www.wired.com/geekdad/tag/great-bacon-odyssey/ | GeekDad
Of course, if you love bacon, we’ve got the goods for you: NeatoShop’s Bacon Store

The Plastic Bottle Island

This man has given up his job, family and possessions to build an island that floats on plastic bottles he's found and used as buoys! Talk about recycling to good use!

GTFO Finalists

Last day to vote!! Arm Rotating Girl has taken the lead by A LOT! And we just read in the comments that Star Wars Playing Unicycle Riding Guy has decided to sell his iPad, should he win, and donate all the proceeds to Gulf Coast cleanup!! WOW! The gauntlet has been dropped!!! Cast your vote and help us pick the 2010 GTFO Winners now!

Take a look at all 14 videos and place your vote for the best. ("Best" being defined as however you see fit. The worst? The weirdest? The one that made you giggle the most?)
What's at stake? An iPad and serious bragging rights for the winner, plus lots of fun runner-up prizes for 2nd-5th place.

Here's two videos to get you started. The other 12, plus the poll to cast your vote, are found after the jump below.

Click to see the others and to cast YOUR vote!

Continue reading

Old Spice Remix FTW!

In case you missed the week's worth of Old Spice Guy videos, this brilliant remix will get you up to speed and have you dancing around the room.
Link | YouTube

Last Weekend to Enter our GTFO Contest with Reddit!

Here's another fun entry in the GTFO contest. This is the final weekend to get your entries in! On Sunday, at midnight PT, we'll lock it up. Voting will stay open for a week after that. For the full scoop on prizes and how you can win an iPad, check out our YouTube page.

Estimating The Length of Celery

A few more fun submissions came in today for our GTFO talent contest. Check out this young neatoramanaut who can accurately estimate the length of things to the nearest centimeter just by touching it. SO... where's YOUR video? Submit it on our YouTube page for your chance to win!

No, serioulsy, GTFO!

We're still looking for your, great, fantastic (or otherwise) talent! So far only four people have entered the contest! Now, maybe you're all busy cooking up those vids, but in case you're not, take a moment, open the laptop, turn on the cam, and record yourself already! There's an iPad on the line! And Web fame! For the complete rules, check out our YouTube page here. Above is one of our four lone entries...

June HDYK? Final Question!

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's final challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

What 1996 movie won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects?

Don't forget that you must send ALL your work from the week to us: triviahunt@gmail.com.

June 2010 HDYK - Day 4/Level3 Bonus Page

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Don't forget that because of the long weekend, the final puzzle won't go up until Tuesday, July 6 at 8pm ET!

Question: In the 2010 World Cup, what country did Ghana defeat in their first match of the Knockout Round?

June 2010 - HDYK? - Day 3/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: The band featured in excerpt number two also wrote the song "Out of My Mind" which was used as the theme song for what movie?

Facebook Tom Swifty Contest Finalists

Earlier this week, we ran a Tom Swifty contest over on our Facebook page. There were tons of hilarious submissions, but these were our favorites. Please help us pick a winner by voting once... only once. Thanks!

[polldaddy poll=3418226]

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