David K. Israel's Blog Posts

August 2010 - HDYK? - Day 4/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: In an unforeseen outcome (albeit elaborate stunt) to an online contest, which country did Internet pranksters vote to send Justin Bieber to perform a concert on his current tour?

The Mummy

David Heredia digitally colored one of his drawings using Photoshop. Using the time lapse special effect, he is able to condense the 68 minute project into 4 minutes. The music track "Egyptian" is by Hossam Ramzy & Rafa El Tachuela from the Album Flamenco Arabe.

August 2010 - HDYK? - Day 3/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: What was Farrah's character's name on Charlie's Angels?

August 2010 - HDYK? - Day 2/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: Ryan Gosling replaced what actor, who co-starred with Meg Ryan in "Kate & Leopold", in the lead role of the upcoming film "Drive", based on the short novel by James Sallis?

The McDonald's That Plays Classical Music

For some reason, this McDonald's in downtown Denver plays classical music out onto the street.

Link | via Alexis Madrigal

August 2010 - HDYK? - Day 1/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: What famous musical is this character from?

Nazi Propaganda Footage Discovered

We scored an exclusive interview with Israeli film director Yael Hersonski about her critically acclaimed debut A Film Unfinished. At the end of WWII, 62 minutes of raw film, having sat undisturbed in an East German archive, was discovered. Shot by the Nazis in Warsaw in May 1942, and labeled simply "Ghetto," this footage quickly became a resource for historians seeking an authentic record of the Warsaw Ghetto. However, the later discovery of a long-missing reel complicated earlier readings of the footage. A Film Unfinished presents the raw footage in its entirety, carefully noting fictionalized sequences (including a staged dinner party) falsely showing "the paradise" enjoyed by Jewish urbanites, and probes deep into the making of a now-infamous Nazi propaganda film.

Though we are prohibited from showing you some of the amazingly disturbing footage of the Jews enjoying "the good life" in the ghetto (you have to go see the film for that), we were able to get our hands on a few clips, which we've interspersed with the interview below. For more info on the film, including dates/cities, please check out aFilmUnfinished.com.

Lev Yilmaz Interview/Giveaway

We have a nice treat today! An interview with Lev Yilmaz, the man behind Tales of Mere Existence. If you don't know his brilliant cartoons, check out the vids below. Then read the interview for a chance to win an autographed copy his book "Sunny Side Down" (plus a DVD!), which you can also buy over on his site.

DI: Songwriters are often asked, which comes first, the music or the lyrics. How about you? Do you first come up with the story and then draw it, or does a doodle sometimes give you the idea for a story?

LY: A little of both. The series began like this: I had just moved to San Francisco, and I knew almost no one there. If you move from the East coast to the West, it takes a little time to adjust to how people relate to each other differently. I usually say, it takes forever to make a friend in Boston, but you will have that friend for a long time. You can meet your soul mate every fifteen minutes in San Francisco, but you'll never see them again. Anyway, I was keeping these journals with me at all times, drawing and writing, just to keep myself company, just to have something to do. After a while, I started keeping track of what I was doing by drawing very crude, very mundane cartoons. I woke up one day with a hangover, and did a video version of one of the entries in my journal. It was basically verbatim, exactly what I had written & drawn. That one was called "Party", about the party I had been to the night before. Now that I think of it, I should try doing it that way again.

(Read on for your chance to score the book + DVD!)

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These Legos Go to 11!

One of my favorite all-time scenes from one of my favorite movies of all-time! Yes, it's time to take it up to 11 people...

Giant Operation Game Made From Dominoes

Uh-oh... here kitty kitty!

Happy 8-9-10!

At least here in the States it's 8-9-10, eh?!

Best Supermarket Display Ever

Now THAT'S a great way to sell soda! (via Reddit)

Nice going!

You're almost there now! To celebrate today's 25th Anniversary of the classic film, Weird Science, you first need to go take our quiz over here.

Once you get your score, you'll note some parenthetical descriptions in each answer explanation. These only appear once you've taken the quiz, so don't go looking for them while you're taking it! Note the last word in each of the parentheticals and send those to us with all your answers as proof that you took the quiz. The first letter of the last word in each of the 10 parentheticals forms a 10-letter anagram of word that has something to do with today's theme.

When you have that word, leave it in the comments below. The first person to do so, takes today's Neatorama prize, and has a good chance at being the first to send in all the correct answers you discovered this week along the path. (Send all your work to triviahunt@gmail.com )

DON'T leave the 10 parenthetical words below, just the solved anagram of their first letters. DO send us the 10 words, though, with all the answers you dug up along the path last week!

July 2010 - HDYK? - Day 4/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: Typically sung during the seventh-inning stretch at baseball games, "God Bless America" became singer Kate Smith's signature song 20 years after it was written by what American composer?

July 2010 - HDYK? - Day 3/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: Which three famous singers were born on 12/12 in New Jersey?

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