David K. Israel's Blog Posts

September HDYK? Final Question!

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's final challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Oprah Winfrey announced on her 20th Anniversary show that she once dated what film critic in the 1980s?

Don't forget that you must send ALL your work from the week to us: triviahunt@gmail.com if you want to qualify to be our next HDYK? Champion!

What does the USDA Organic label really mean?

Our friend Michael Tapp just finished a couple new vids about organic food. Ever wonder what that USDA seal really means? Check out his vid above for the skinny.

September 2010 - HDYK? - Day 4/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: The creator of what famous comic strip said: “I'm not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information”?

September 2010 - HDYK? - Day 3/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: In the Cyrillic alphabet, the letter S is represented by which letter from the English alphabet?

The Shweeb Human-Powered Monorail

We've written about the Schweeb before on this blog, but it's so neat, when this new vid surfaced, we knew we'd have to post again. Check out the future of mass transportation. You'll never want to take your boring old car to work again!

September 2010 - HDYK? - Day 2/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: Take the number of white balls currently used in the Powerball lottery game and add it to the number of white balls currently used in the Mega Millions lottery game. What is this three-digit sum?

The New Los Angeles Holocaust Museum

After more than half a century, the Los Angeles Holocaust Museum is finally opening in its own, permanent location: nestled into the hills of Pan Pacific Park. I got an exclusive tour of the museum as they prepare to officially open their doors on October 14th.

Introducing Neato-Puzzles

We're thrilled to present a new collaboration with Conceptis Puzzles today! Every Tuesday, we'll be offering a different logic puzzle, starting on the easy side with a 9x9 sudoku puzzle. If you don't know how to solve a sudoku puzzle, check out the tips for beginners in the vid below. And please give us some feedback on the new feature! We'd love to hear if you found it too easy, too hard, or just right. Ready to try it? Click here to get going!

Interview with Kasey McMahon (Win Free Tix to Re Evolution!)

By now, most of you are probably familiar with Kasey McMahon's work from our posts here on the blog. Now she's busy preparing for a very exciting project called Re Evolution here in Los Angeles—a sort of science/tech/art expo being planned for next Spring. The bad news is: you need to come to LA to see it in person. The good news is: neatorama is going to send TWO lucky winners to Re Evolution to stream the expo LIVE to the rest of the world so if you can't be here in person, at least you'll be able to experience some of it here on our site.

All you have to do to win is answer the questions at the end of this interview and send us your answers (please don't leave them in the comments!). While we'll comp your tickets into the festival, we can't provide travel or lodging. Nor can we give you and iPhone to stream this (via Ustream or such). SO, please only enter the contest if you're close to Los Angeles and have some sort of device like an iPhone to stream from. Thanks! Wouldn't want to waste the free tix on a RIM user in Maine now would we ;-)

DI: What's the idea behind Re Evolution? Who dreamed it up and why should we care?

KM: Re Evolution is a large-scale science, technology and art festival in Los Angeles. It's my dream come to life through the help of a phenomenal group of people. We are combining love for science, technology and art and a desire to ignite curiosity and interest in the fields. Art and outrageous feats of engineering have a fantastic way of instilling wonder, with Re Evolution we're looking to create an environment that echoes the pervading sense of optimism for the future that the World's Fairs of the past seemed to instill. We want to show the beauty, fun, power and possibilities of science and technology and to help people understand how these tools work and how exciting creative applications of them can be.

DI: Of course, a lot of the success of the 2011 expo will depend on funding. So I notice you've rolled out a Kickstarter campaign to crowdsource raising the dough. Tell us about it.

KM: Yes, Kickstarter felt like an excellent grassroots start to Re Evolution and a great way to get the word out. We're excited to share what we are creating and to be able to offer tickets to the event to people that believe in what we're doing.

DI: What happens if you don't raise the 30K through Kickstarter? Then what? Is there a chance the expo won't happen at all?

KM: We're certainly hoping we will be successful with Kickstarter. We do realize, though, that the majority of funding for this project will come from other sources. We are actively fundraising on many fronts - applying for grants and seeking sponsorship. If we are not able to raise the funds through Kickstarter, the show will still happen.

DI: Lots of our readers don't live in Southern Cali. Is there a way for them to see some of what's going on? Virtually or something?

KM: Yes, we do plan on having virtual content.

DI: When was the last time something on this scale has been attempted?

KM: There are a few festivals of this scale, notably Robodock in Amsterdam. The artists and technologists involved in Re Evolution have built on this scale before for different events around the world. Re Evolution is unique in that we are coming together, focusing on the science and technology behind much of what we do and giving it a very futuristic flair. Re Evolution will be large-scale, but we are predominantly interested in providing an immersive, tightly curated experience. In our first year, we're aiming for quality content over epic scale.
Continue reading


Win a Copy of The Cow in the Parking Lot!

We've got 5 free copies of a new book dealing with anger management called The Cow in the Parking Lot. Funny title, right? The idea is this: Let's say you're in a parking lot looking for a spot. After 15 minutes of circling and circling, you finally find someone pulling out. You wait, with your blinker on, indicating that you found it first. Just as you're about to pull in, a car comes zooming out of nowhere and steals your spot. Of course, now you're angry! But what if you were about to pull in and a cow moseyed on over and sat down in the same spot? You'd probably crack up because who expects to see a farm animal in a parking lot, right?

The point is: we can control when we get angry and when we let things roll of us. This, I learned from Leonard Scheff's new book, which you can win by reading the interview below and sending in your answers to the questions at the bottom. We'll randomly pluck 5 winners and have the good folks over at Workman Publishing send you the goods!

DI: I learned a lot about how to manage my anger from your book. I never considered myself an “angry person” –but can now see how almost everyone could learn something from the book. Why do you think it’s important to overcome anger?
Continue reading

Follow, Like, Win!

Just a friendly reminder that we're having a lot of fun over on our Twitter and Facebook pages. So follow @neatorama and Like www.Facebook.com/neatoramanauts!

There you'll find all kinds of neato things we don't always feature here on the blog, like special contests! Every week we host a Scrabble tournament for 3 lucky neatoramanauts on Facebook, for instance. If you beat us and the other two players, you win a prize!

Speaking of winners, have you met Shonna, our GTFO contest winner? She scored a free iPad! I, for one, am extremely jealous!

Pepe Deluxe - Salami Fever

Not sure whether to file this under NEAT or AMA, but it's so strange, I just had to post it. Oh, and if it makes you hungry for bacon, please visit our Neato Bacon Store!

Hat-tip to the always inspiring MissDestructo.

Interview with Sillof

We scored an exclusive interview with Sillof, the creator of these awesome handmade toys. He's also making stop-action films now, which you can check out below. DI: How did you first hit on the idea of creating Star Wars character toys but spinning them WWII or Samurai, for instance? I think it's pretty brilliant! Sillof: Thanks, I had customized figures for years starting as a child when I wanted a Bespin Luke with no hand. Over the years I did mostly Star Wars figures but I used to do traditional interpretations of characters. Over time it got a little boring doing someone else's designs or annoying when I would spent a lot of time on a figure only to have Hasbro make the figure the next year. So I slowly began to think about the idea of putting my own unique spins on characters. My first line was a jumble of influences westerns, samurai, serials, etc. Then I began to break down the lines even further with one specific theme like Steampunk or WWII. DI: Obviously, a lot of work goes into each figure. Can you talk about the process a little? Break it down, step by step. Sillof: Step 1: The ideas are usually just 1 initial spark - like the idea that George Lucas had wanted to cast Toshiro Mifune as Obi-Wan and then I think what would that have looked like. Step 2: Then I just brainstorm out from there. What would Han, Boba Fett, and Vader look like. I really just think about it a lot on my way to work or before I go to sleep at night. Maybe I do a little research online for WWII soldiers, or Samurai, or whatever the theme is. But, this phase is 100% in my head. Step 3: I make a list of what I am going for on each character. The new name, the backstory, the feel, and the actual look of each figure. I don't ever sketch any part of the designs. Step 4: I look through my various drawers of parts and accessories, also known as fodder, for parts that could be useful. Step 5: I carve down the parts of other figures whittling them down to serve as a skeleton or armature and sculpt over them with a product called Aves Apoxie Sculpt and I let that harden. Step 6: I cobble the parts together. So in the end the figure is a mish mash of old toy parts, old parts sculpted over, and completely originally sculpted parts. Some figures are just unique combinations of other figures and some are 100% made from scratch, it really just depends on what I want the figure to look like and what I have. Step 7: I paint the figures with a special blend of paints I have created over the years for the right consistency and finish. Step 8. I finish the figures with a variety of dry-brushing and washes to give it my signature weathered look. DI: I know this isn't your full-time job, but would you like it to be? Is part of the goal to attract enough attention that some manufacturer would let you mass-produce them or do you want to keep them as one-offs? Sillof: I am actually a high school history teacher by profession, and I l love my job. But, yes I would be great to get a job in the movie industry or toy making field. I really just do this a hobby and have rarely sold things. I am getting ready to sell off whole lines or sets of figures. But, It would be a dream come true to see my designs mass produced and based on the e-mails I have gotten from fans I think the line would be successful. DI: You're also doing stop-motion films now with some of the figures. What's that about? Sillof: When I was a kid I liked to make movies with my toys on my parents Super 8 camera. Of course they were "rough" to say the least. Then I saw a film years later done on VHS and I tried that but it was rough editing in the camera. Slowly over the years I made a variety of movie accurate dioramas. Now I have a production company and we have made a variety of short films for festivals and such. So with the technology and equipment that is available I began to think about going back to the project from my childhood. The movie is designed to be like the movies I made when I was a kid with my hand moving the figures in and out of shots and some rough stop motion. I also decided not to do any dialogue. It has a pure and simplistic quality but with really great dioramas and custom figures. I could have gone way overboard with it but I tried to make the movie I would have liked to have made as a kid.

DI: Of all the characters you've made, do you have a favorite? Sillof: I don't have a single favorite but some of the ones I would never sell would include the Steampunk R2 & 3PO, Steampunk Iron Man, Samurai Vader and Chewbacca, any Daredevil or Boba Fetts. DI:What do your kids think of all this? Sillof: If you mean my children, my daughter loves it. She recently turned 4 and has made her own figures. I have trays of parts and she picks a head, and arms, and legs and puts them together and paints them. If you mean my students, very few of my students know I have this as a hobby. DI:What's next for you? What can we expect in the next couple months? Sillof: I have 4 more parts of my Toy Wars movie done, I am just slowly releasing them online. I also have 4 new lines in the works in various stages of completion and 2 more in the design phase. Most, but not all, are Star Wars based like the other lines I have done in the past but are completely new takes on the movies. Thanks for the questions, I enjoyed answering them and am glad you enjoy my work.

Today is 9-02-10!

Let's celebrate with a little 90210 quiz, shall we?

While there's some debate as to whether there were eight or nine original stars on BH 90210, there's no question that some of the actors weren't even close to the age of the characters they played. Suspension of disbelief is a glorious thing, and part of the reason the series did so well.

See how well you know the real names of the original stars from the first season. We put three minutes on the clock... ready, set, go!

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