David K. Israel's Blog Posts

January 2011 - HDYK? - Day 2/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: What actress is the mother of a set of twins named Knox and Vivienne?

January 2011 - HDYK? - Day 1/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: The winner of the 2011 Miss America Pageant hails from what state?

Bottle Magic Sweepstakes

Our friends at Conceptis Puzzles are giving you a chance to win a personal, custom-made Bottle Magic bottle (or Impossible Bottles, as popularized by math teacher and magician Harry Eng).

The puzzle solution will be glued to a wrapped deck of cards, pierced with a pencil and hanging from the top of the bottle by a rope, and will be done by magician Jeff Scanlan. The image above shows a rough sketch of the Bottle Magic Sweepstakes prize design.

Check out all the rules right over here.

For more on Sports Magician Jeff Scanlan, you can visit his site here. Good luck to all who enter! We hope a neatoramanaut takes the prize!

December 2010 - HDYK? - Day 5 Final Question

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: Now flip the order so that you have a new four-digit number in this sequence: CBAA. What is this number?

December 2010 - HDYK? - Day 4/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: According to the Bible, from what part of Adam's body was Eve made?

December 2010 - HDYK? - Day 3/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: What was Farrah's character's name on Charlie's Angels?

Neato-Puzzle #12

It's time for another puzzle from our pals at Conceptis Puzzles! Yes, every week, we'll be offering a different logic puzzle, today featuring a 9x9 Pic-A-Pix puzzle. Each puzzle consists of a blank grid with clues on the left of every row and on the top of every column. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by painting blocks in each row and column so their length and sequence corresponds to the clues, and there is at least one empty square between adjacent blocks. Click here to play!

December 2010 - HDYK? - Day 1/Level 3 Bonus

Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.

Question: There's no right or wrong answer here folks! All you have to do is tell us where YOU will be celebrating New Year's Eve this year! We'll pick one random winner, as usual.

NYC QR Code Hunt Winners!

Meet your winners!

These two did the entire QR code hunt in a staggering 30 minutes! Congrats and enjoy the Ford Fiesta!

Special thanks to Jason English, Hannah, Carl Johnson, Tom Toce, Becky Hayes, Team Detroit, AMG, Karen Untereker at Ogilvy, Rebecca Foley at Two Boots, Scott at Ford Motors and all the other mom and pops who allowed us to put codes in their storefronts! Stay tuned for more on/offline events coming your way soon!

Neato-Puzzle #11

It's time for another puzzle from our pals at Conceptis Puzzles! Yes, every week, we'll be offering a different logic puzzle, today featuring a 9x9 Pic-A-Pix puzzle. Each puzzle consists of a blank grid with clues on the left of every row and on the top of every column. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by painting blocks in each row and column so their length and sequence corresponds to the clues, and there is at least one empty square between adjacent blocks. Click here to play!

QR Code Hunt Starting Locations!

As promised, here are your four starting locations, brought to you by the good folks at our favorite NYC pizza chain, Two Boots!

Two Boots
74 Bleecker Street
New York, NY 10012

Two Boots
201 W 11th St
New York, NY 10014

Two Boots
1617 2nd Ave
New York, NY 10028

Two Boots
2547 Broadway
New York, NY 10025

Remember, the Hunt begins at 11am, so you have 30 minutes to get to a location. To win the car, you must be 18 or older, you must have a valid driver's license and you must sign the release form. Those are the only conditions. And oh yeah, duh, you'll need a phone with a QR code reader installed. A little advice: If you don't own an internet-capable phone that you can use a QR reader on, BORROW ONE for a couple hours!

We'll start you off with this BIG hint: Every clue will have something to do with the number 40. Why? Because the Ford Fiesta we're giving away gets 40 mpg, so that's the theme for the day! Keep that in mind as you navigate the four other locations around the city. We expect the whole Hunt to take someone about 1 hour from start to finish, but we're keeping it open until 1 pm, just in case we figured wrong. When we have a winner, we'll tweet it out from @resila - so you might want to follow now if you want to stay in the loop. If you have questions or concerns along the path, @resila for answers.

Win A Fiesta Tomorrow!

We're less than 24 hours away now!

Tomorrow morning, at precisely 10:30am, we will announce your four starting locations right here on this blog (also on the following Twitter accounts:
@mental_floss, @neatorama, @resila

The locations will be roughly around the Upper West Side, the Upper East Side, the West Village and the East Village. Once we tell you the exact locations, you’ll have 30 minutes to prepare and decide which one you want to use as your starting location. One hint I'm able to give you all now: 40! That's right - because the Fiesta gets 40mpg, we decided to work the number 40 into all the clues and QR code locations. So chew on that as you prepare and make sure your QR code reader is installed on your phone and you've tested it out in advance.

When you arrive at the starting location, you’ll need to quickly register by signing a release form. At 11am, sharp, we’ll unveil the first QR code in each of the four locations. And the clock will start ticking. Will subway be faster? Will a taxi be faster? Will a bicycle be faster? Will running be faster? No one really knows!

All we know is that somewhere in the city, there’s a brand new Ford Fiesta hiding! The first person (or team, if you’d rather) to touch the car and tell us the locations of all the QR codes you found along the route (there will only be 3 others after the first), WINS THE CAR!

You can also win some fun mental_floss and neatorama swag along the route as our monitors will be handing out prizes to random winners. So come on down to the Big Apple and meet some other neatoramanauts and have a fun time! Oh, and if you missed all our posts about QR code, how they work and the free readers you can download, check that out here.

NYC QR Code Hunt Details

It’s almost time for our big QR Code Hunt in NYC! Who's almost ready to win a new car?!

On Tuesday morning, at precisely 10:30am, we will announce your four starting locations right here on this blog (also on the following Twitter accounts:  @neatorama, @resila, @mental_floss

The locations will be roughly around the Upper West Side, the Upper East Side, the West Village and the East Village. Once we tell you the exact locations, you’ll have 30 minutes to prepare and decide which one you want to use as your starting location.

When you arrive at the starting location, you’ll need to quickly register by signing a release form. At 11am, sharp, we’ll unveil the first QR code in each of the four locations. And the clock will start ticking. Will subway be faster? Will a taxi be faster? Will a bicycle be faster? Will running be faster? No one really knows!

All we know is that somewhere in the city, there’s a brand new Ford Fiesta hiding! The first person (or team, if you’d rather) to touch the car and tell us the locations of all the QR codes you found along the route (there will only be 3 others after the first), WINS THE CAR!

You can also win some fun mental_floss and neatorama swag along the route as our monitors will be handing out prizes to random winners. So come on down to the Big Apple and meet some other neatoramanauts and have a fun time! Oh, and if you missed all our posts about QR code, how they work and the free readers you can download, check that out here.

QR Codes As Art

In my previous posts on QR codes, all intended to help you gear up for our big QR Code Hunt in NYC next week, where you could win a brand new Ford Fiesta, I mentioned that they were invented by the Japanese and that the codes are pretty ubiquitous in and around Japan on billboards, magazines, newspapers, TV ads, etc. Leave it to the Japanese to outpace us not only in employing the little codes, but also in finding innovative ways to construct them, adding an artistic flair. Watch the video below to see one built out of nothing but sand, on the beach!

And if that doesn't rock your world, how about a hand-knitted QR code scarf?

This young lad got creative with M&Ms and built an edible one that takes you to M&M's Web site!

And what QR code as art post would be complete without one made out of 5816 LEGO blocks?!

Be sure to tune in Monday for out last QR code post and some details about Tuesday's big hunt!

More About QR Codes

As we lead up to the QR Code Hunt next week in New York City where you will have a chance to win a brand new Ford Fiesta, I wanted to write some more about how the contest will work and how QR codes work in general. Yesterday, we learned that QR codes can be programmed to deliver an SMS, to take you to a Web page, to place a phone call, etc. Because they’re so versatile, they’ve been used in a variety of cool ways already.

For instance, during the Lost finale, some fans noticed the flash of a red QR code during a True Blood commercial. If you stopped your DVR and shifted back to the code, you could pause the frame and scan the code. From there, you would have been taken to an exclusive clip from season 3. (In fact, if you try the red QR code here, with the blood, it should still work!) Clothing companies have also been using them in innovative ways. For instance, window shoppers at some stores have wondered what the little square 8-bit-looking thingamajig is doing there next to, say, a certain jacket or a pair of shoes. Well, if you scan the code, you get a coupon for a discount on the item if you bring it inside the store on your phone. Pretty neat, eh?

For our QR Hunt, we’re asking everyone to download a few different QR code readers and to practice scanning some codes to get the hang of it before heading off to find the car on Tuesday the 21st at 11am. Some readers respond faster than others. Some are just plain cooler than others. So here’s a test. Scan the code below and see where your phone takes you (it’s free, don’t worry, there’s no catch!). If you wind up at my community engagement Web site where the contest is mentioned on the homepage, well then you’ve done it correctly.

Stay tuned for more on QR codes here on the blog and remember to follow one of the following on Twitter for those starting locations next Tue: @neatorama or @mental_floss or @resila. If you don’t use Twitter, no worries, just check our blogs at exactly 10:30 am for the starting location nearest you. Oh, and you don’t have to be from NYC to participate, though you do have to be IN the city that day.

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