Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
Question: With help from Peter Jackson turning his novels into a blockbuster franchise, what English author born in 1892 is one of the five top-earning dead celebrities according to Forbes?
Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
Question: What were the first names of misters Hanna and Barbera?
note: the contest is now over. if you won, you'll be contacted by the book publisher this week! if you didn't win, stay tuned for new contests happening every week!Who wants to win a copy of Harold Goldberg's awesome book, All Your Base Are Belong To Us - How 50 Years of Videogames Conquered Pop Culture ?!!
It's an amazing look at some of the greatest games of all-time and how they have affected us. I've started reading it this past weekend and can't put it down.
So here's what you do to win:
1) Read some of the book on Neatorama's own BitLit blog! We're serializing it all this week!
2) Check out The Game Station's interview with Goldberg right over here.
3) At the end of the interview, there are some questions. The first pertains to the BitLit excerpt. The second pertains to the interview. The third is pretty random, but let's us know you can follow instructions. :-)
4) Leave your answers as a comment on The Game Station interview post. We'll pick 10, yes 10 random winners who will get copies of the book. And ONE extra lucky winner will get the book inscribed by Goldberg himself!
Fresh Perspectives asks: Was Osama's death really only symbolic or will it change the war on terror? The panelists in this show are children. The result? Giggles-a-plenty.
Remember how you were surprised when Samus turned out to be a girl at the end of the original Metroid? The Game Station reveals the secret identities behind your favorite masked videogame characters!
Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
We don't know which we love more, Meekakitty or her song about bacon. Oh, and if this song gets you in the mood for more, there's always the neatobaconshop :-)
Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
Question: The classic recipe for pound cake includes equal portions (usually one pound) of butter, eggs, sugar, and what fourth ingredient?
Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
Question: Multiply the number of yards in a mile by the number of feet in a yard, then divide that by the number of inches in a foot. What number do you get?
Here's a super fun Name That Tune quiz with a delightful cast of animated characters. We scored 6 out of 10 - failing on the newer songs and killing on the older ones. See how well you do. Give the quiz a whirl here.
Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
Question: What does the band name and grapefruit have in common?
Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
Question: What year did first start publishing?
Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
Question: What is the Cyrillic letter for the S sound?
Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
Question: The quote you just found comes from a sonnet titled "The New Colossus", written by what American poet?