Daniel Kim's Liked Comments

A friend of mine once came up with a great word for a group of congressmen: a flatulence of congressmen. This would make a great news line: "Legislation could not proceed because there was an insufficiently large flatulence to meet a quorum."

(Maybe a flatulence of politicians would be more generic)
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Top earners in the U.S. no longer pay a marginal rate of 90 percent, but pay a hair less than 40 percent. Also, investment income is taxed at a different, and much lower rate. The government must run on borrowed money, our universities and research institutions are being downsized, and the magnificent infrastructure that was built in the postwar decades is rapidly decaying, but proposals to raise the top marginal rate are met with strong resistance.
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I am very encouraged by the courage of these students. It is no small thing to break the bonds of custom and history for the sake of justice. Seeing this through shows a high level of personal strength and commitment, which will certainly follow them in their educational and professional careers. College recruiters and employers take note!
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