There are only two "homeopathic" remedies that I have found to work for me and they are Similasan Earache Relief Drops and (surprisingly enough because I didn't think it would work but it did) Head-On.
I have worked in the medical field for 15 years and for the majority of the doctors I've known, not many vitamins and minerals do much good (unless you are anemic and take iron)(although a good multivitamin can't hurt) except for glucosamine and chondroitin which does seem to help joint pain.
If you think something works for you, it could be a placebo effect. However, if you think it works and there's nothing harmful to it (i.e., drinking bleach could get rid of a headache but might cause a world of other problems), then go for it! Everyone is different in how they react to things!
I have worked in the medical field for 15 years and for the majority of the doctors I've known, not many vitamins and minerals do much good (unless you are anemic and take iron)(although a good multivitamin can't hurt) except for glucosamine and chondroitin which does seem to help joint pain.
If you think something works for you, it could be a placebo effect. However, if you think it works and there's nothing harmful to it (i.e., drinking bleach could get rid of a headache but might cause a world of other problems), then go for it! Everyone is different in how they react to things!