cory dodt's Profile


Okay- I have this from Anonymous sources in the White House and Area 51 - All the World Leaders in fact are not on that G20 Summit, but are in fact on holiday on Epsilon Eridani - 5 at the invitation of the Balonians and the all mighty Conspiratorians. They were brought there by the U.F.O.-Yellowcab-service of the Greys.....
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That's common for folks in his field (entertainment/charisma marketing), you see it with other similar folks like this

Their handlers make sure they know how to smile. Soros is getting his money's worth!
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At least this will shut the idiot birthers up. He was clearly created in a lab.

Seriously, the man has found a smile that works and has it down to perfection. I fail to see what the surprise is here.
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hasn't anyone seen a similar version of this, but with paris hilton? it's even more photographs and she's making the exact same face.

also it's not photoshopped...these are pictures from the same day. duh.
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It seems far too consistent to be natural.

I'm convinced that it is probably a benign photoshop job, in order to give each guest a nice photo with the President.
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We think those folks get botox and plastic surgery.
But in fact they get the newest nano-bots injected that by remote control get signal X for Photogenic Smile Nr. 02 and they pull at eaxactly the correct muscles and tissue for that particular smile.

But that is still all very Hush-Hush Higly Classyfied Red Tape and all that. So we're not supposed to know that...
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All of these photos were probably taken within a few hours. That smile is frozen, but other times he has genuine, wide, spontaneous smiles. His beautiful smile one thing that makes him appealing to people.
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Yeah, it's real. I know people in power who obsess over the photo op smile. They are actually being thoughtful. They want whoever they are being photographed with to have a good shot of themselves, not some clumsy attempt at reality, which might end up being stupid-looking.

I think his choice of smile is pretty good.
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In Canada we've had a robot running our country longer then you have. Our's also sports a titanium hair piece which is impenetrable to gun fire to protect his CPU.
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@ Woogie: "He was clearly created in a lab."

But was the lab located in the US or Indonesia?

This is almost as much fun as watching him deliver a speech. Tennis match anyone?
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Well at least according to the Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, the colour of the President of the United States is not white because he and his wife probably went sunbathing....
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  • Member Since 2012/09/22



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