Actually, when I get popcorn jammed in there, I'm always afraid the floss will just push it down further, so I swish a capful of hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes, and it foams all the kernel bits right out!
It's always fascinated me how plants & animals naturally evolved needle-sharp bits (rose thorns, porcupine quills, snake fangs (retractable, no less!)), yet humans took a whole long time to chip rocks into something approaching lethal sharpness.
Y'know, I've always enjoyed putting those things together. In fact, I've often toyed with the idea of standing by the side of the road with a cardboard sign that reads: "WILL ASSEMBLE IKEA FURNITURE... FOR FUN!"
I like to have the Sun directly overhead at Noon, which I assume is easier with narrower time zones. China's single time zone spans 5 normal time zones, so I would guess that it would be "Real Noon" at it's Eastern-most point, and apparently 7 AM at it's Western-most?
Ummm, how can you run a website without graphics software?
Isn't Photoshop a must-have on everybody's system?
But seriously, 4.5 pounds of beef would take me a good 4.5 hours to polish off.
In fact, I've often toyed with the idea of standing by the side of the road with a cardboard sign that reads:
China's single time zone spans 5 normal time zones, so I would guess that it would be "Real Noon" at it's Eastern-most point, and apparently 7 AM at it's Western-most?
Oh, wait...