Carruthers's Comments

What the hell was "neat" about gun-deaths anyway?
Or was the post meant to put forward the lefty gun control agenda?
Anyhow - nice to see that for once a politically charged post at this site resulted in a comments section not dominated by "progressives".
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It amazes me that the gun control supporters jump on stories like the VT massacre, or compile sets of statistics like the NYT piece referenced and think that it somehow supports their ideas. The only guns "controlled" in the VT tragedy were in the hands of the killer.
A simple thought experiment: Imagine yourself on that campus on that terrible morning. Wouldn't it perhaps be preferable, empowering and quite probably life-saving if you - or one or more of your trusted buddies was carrying a firearm, or perhaps had one stashed in the car - because the VT authorities hadn't overturned the 2nd amendment to the constitution and declared the campus to be a "gun-free zone"?
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There's nothing "neat" about this at all. It's just moronic, juvenile, provocative and offensive. Your contributors should perhaps think about some restraint in their postings, unless you want to really dilute the value of Neatorama.
The posts before and after this one show how good this site can be when it stays "on message": 15th century Botticelli illustrations and Scrabble furniture.
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As I acknowledged in the first place, the guy designs beautiful stuff, especially the vehicles, furniture and residencies; but planned utopias just don't work.

Le Corbusier's “Ville Contemporaine” looks like a nightmare to me. An unreal utopian dream that, wherever actually built history proves turns into a dystopia of ghettos, or of empty shells that no-one wants to live in.
Wiki or Google Brasilia, for one famous example of a planned city that looks quite beautiful but is really only populated by Brazil's civil servants because nobody else wants or needs to live there.

The outskirts of Paris itself are an example of government-planned, low-cost, low-rent high rise ghettos, now serving as breeding grounds for Islamist gangs.
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Thanks, Alex for linking to one anti-Islamist cartoon for a change. But I'd much rather you stuck to the pop stuff rather than anything political and potentially inflammatory - left or right. Cox and Forkum are brilliant cartoonists, combining sharp insight with clever and artful illustration. They're also very consistent in their output and generally don't produce many duds, unlike a lot of political cartoonists.
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The more he opens his mouth the less I want to hear. He designs beautifully on a small, human scale, but on larger scales he's no better than "Le Corbusier", and his dreadful, disastrous "projects"-like "Contemporary City" and other visions of utopia.
Guys like this should stick to harmless stuff like furniture or individual residencies or buildings. They're not visionary, they're utopian, with all the top-down, authoritarian nightmarish side-effects glossed over with pious, fatuous homage to "civilization".
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Rather than a Friedman - Pinochet link, associating him with the dictator's crack down on Allende and the communists, maybe you should instead look at Chile's booming economy, after it adopted free markets. Free markets eventually led to freedom in all other aspects of like in Chile, including full democracy.

Friedman was a genius, and one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century. His "Free To Choose" series streams for free at The Idea Channel:
and you can find it on bit torrents at higher quality very easily.

This PBS interview is a good place to start learning about him:

This excerpt illustrates the real Friedman - Pinochet link:

INTERVIEWER: So you envisaged, therefore, that the free markets ultimately would undermine Pinochet?

MILTON FRIEDMAN: Oh, absolutely. The emphasis of that talk was that free markets would undermine political centralization and political control. And incidentally, I should say that I was not in Chile as a guest of the government. I was in Chile as the guest of a private organization.
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I'll start the French jokes off:

Where does a tourist in France hide his money?

- Under the soap

What do you call a resident of Paris?

- A Parisite

Why are all the boulevards in Paris tree-lined?

- So the German army can march in the shade
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They may be right about the other exercises (a diagram or photo or two would help to understand the weight-lifter's lingo) but there's nothing wrong with sit-ups if you only do crunches and have your legs up with your feet flat on the wall. Easiest and fastest way to trim your beer belly.

The bicycle sit-ups they describe are also very good, but are too hard for the person just starting out on an exercise routine. Build up the number of sit-ups you can do before you move onto those.
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