Comments Brent Canfield Likes

Even as a fully-clothed man, I have experienced similar, Jill. -Many times.

It is not pleasant.

You can't expect clearheaded people to be sympathetic to your cause when so many women act like the double-standards that Do work in your favor are just great; but then whine about the all the ones that don't.

Women are overwhelmingly-spoiled in the 21st-century western world.

And I guarantee you, if the lewd photos/questions, --in-question, were phrased differently, framed differently and asked by Jude Law or Clive Owen, all issues would have MAGICALLY vaporized
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Looks like the conversation heated up over here, too. I read the posts at the linked site, and they were very familiar.
Interesting how the conversation always turns to rape and burkas. It's so predictable it's scary.

He's not advocating that people have the right to treat you poorly, but that it's common sense that, rightly or wrongly, some people will. This doesn't just apply to skimpy cosplays, but to everyday scenarios. If a man or woman dresses incorrectly for their work or school setting, it is possible that they can be treated poorly.
Next, don't assume that any man hasn't experienced something similar. That's incredibly myopic.
I don't think he's saying women shouldn't dress in skimpy costumes. But he is saying that if they do, they are more likely to experience unwanted and inappropriate attention. The same goes for men who dress provocatively.

As for the burka comment - that's just plain silly.
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  • Member Since 2013/04/06



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