Brent Canfield's Liked Comments

And THAT'S a good point Jill....Just because a woman is dressed up as cosplay with revealing clothing, it doesn't necessarily equate her with a bar hopping whore that has no scruples.Guys are wrong for making that assumption if they do.Interesting how people will just jump to that conclusion......where they assume that a woman has no morals just because of the way she is dressed, she might just be trying to capture the essence of the character she is trying to emulate as accurately as possible. Thanks for helping me see that.

And yeah....I think if guys are going to actively seek out going to these conventions, they should understand that women dressing as their fav character might result in extra skin being shown.If they can't handle that, then maybe they need to consider not going if it bothers them that much.

Thanks for the dialogue.Very interesting.
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"If they're groping women or saying terrible things just because a woman is dressed a certain way, then they aren't trying to be good guys."

No, that's a good point.I see what you mean. I guess i'm arguing from the standpoint that I am one of those guys who tries to walk the straight and narrow and do the best I can, so I resent it when others disregard what my feelings are in the name of,"tough deal with it".

But yeah, I guess the guys you're referring to aren't even trying to be good guys.....that's the point.And it's never ok to harass or grope. That being said,it does come down to mutual respect on both men and women's parts.Men don't have a right to harass, but women should be sensitive to the fact that men are visually stimulated.

"If someone told you that you can't dress a certain way or else they'd have the right to make you uncomfortable whether physically or emotional, you wouldn't be ok with it"

No that's true.But people shouldn't be looking for trouble either, and then complain when they find it.....It's not right when it happens (someone gets harassed, etc.)But it's also tempting fate to put yourself out there like that.

I live on a side of town that is not very nice (to some people). If I started repeatedly walking up and down my street at 3 in the morning, i'm sure sooner or later trouble would find me.Would that be right? No.Would it be fair? No. But would someone ask me at some point afterward,"What were you thinking?" and questioning my judgment? Absolutely.And why? Because I was acting irresponsibly. Just like it's irresponsible to dress like a whore and expect the whole world to treat you like a lady.
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