Becky's Comments

bean: i'm pretty sure there's no "m" in Dinks.
badgirl: seriously? How about this . . . I'll stop calling you an ingnorant, bible thumping, homophobic breeder if you stop calling me queer. (You call us all queers, that includes me)

What's next? the good people of Turkey will get mad at us next Thanksgiving?

Why do we need labels in the first place? sexuality is a spectrum, and none of us are in the same place on that line.

Furthermore, what about the basic human rights of gay people? Shouldn't I have the right to marry if i'm forced to pay the same taxes, to pay for the schools of the children of straight people? If i pay my taxes, do not break laws, and love another person, why should our physical parts have anything to do with anything else? Who, besides my adult, consenting partner and I should have any voice in the decisions of our future? Aren't i guaranteed the persuit of happiness? I have the right to bear arms, but not the right to kiss another girl? I mean . . . come on!

I propose that . . . if gays are continued to be denied the right to marry, straight folks should be limited to one marriage per lifetime. If I can't get married because the bible says so, then others should not be allowed to divorce. No woman should be allowed to cut her hair. And shellfish should be outlawed all together. All in favor? . . . that's what i thought.

All i'm saying is . . . lighten up. There are so many other, more important things in this world that need discussed . . . the terminology used for gay folk seems a little trivial. Just call us all fabulous and be done with it, lol!
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I have a 30 pound cat that i do NOT overfeed. I got him from the pound 9 years ago, as a baby, and it turns out he's a norwegian forest cat~ and only slightly overweight for his age. and he's lazy, so that doesn't help. My point is, not all fat cats get fat as a result of an owner pouring food down it's throat. Weight gain can also be caused by irregular hormone levels, or other medical issues. cut this lady a break, unless we get more details. : )
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i clicked the link and was sucked into this for two solid hours. the "texts" are genius . . . i hope this mystery is someday solved. It makes me think of the "national treasure" movies !
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  • Member Since 2012/08/04



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