Adam Stanhope's Comments

Unfortunately, I think he did "go mad," or at the very least suffered some sort of emotional breakdown. It was very, very sad to see - someone so smart, so talented, capable of creating so much joy for so many - so desperately unhappy. I hope and pray that he's been able to work through his grief over these past few years. I don't care if he never performs again. He deserves to be happy and sane.
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I feel so bad for Chappelle. He is so clearly "wounded" and seemed so unhappy after his disappearance/reappearance. I hope that these past couple of years at home alone with his wife and kids and the rest of the family has given him the ability to work through the issues that were causing him so much pain.
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I love the manic, desperate support for the Republican party that arises in comments on posts like these.

"I'm proudly embracing the party of greed, hate and failure because we've performed so well since Our Savior George W. Bush rode into town with his flight-suit and cod-piece."
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For some reason I couldn't play the ".flv" file of the movie in the link in the post, but the link zondran posted in the comment above at Metacafe worked great. If you have a problem with the first one, try that one.

As for Amy:

What would the performance have been like if all of her friends weren't musical theater professionals? I can just imagine MY FRIENDS trying to perform something like that.
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Sheldon, et al:

1. The very idea of "cat juggling" is intrinsically funny
2. 1970s Steve Martin will always be funny
3. Dropping babies 50 ft. from a mosque's rooftop in Western India is the coolest
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You guys are amazing. I could only DESCRIBE the invention - "something he invented to keep glasses from slipping down peoples' noses." I had to go to the Wikipedia to rediscover that the item was called the "Opti-Grab." Excellent work!
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Ok - so to explain...

In Steve Martin's "The Jerk," 1979, Martin's character Navin Johnson gets suddenly rich from a stupid invention (bonus question: what was his invention?). Now that he has money, people start contacting him for donations for their charities. One of the people soliciting money has hidden camera film footage "smuggled out" of somewhere showing people CAT JUGGLING - a crime so heinous that it outrages Johnson.
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