Adam Stanhope's Comments

The Fung Wah!

South Station to Canal Street in less time than it would take to park at Logan, go through security, fly to LaGuardia and town car to Manhattan. All this for $13!


Dave - are you in Boston?
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I wonder where the abject HATRED of Obama comes from.

I'm just about as liberal as they come, and I'm quite fond of Obama, but I don't HATE McCain. I think McCain is all wrong on the war and I think he keeps poor company at times, but he's not an evil person nor is he worthy of spite.

Can't you player-haters respect your ideological opponents without despising them?
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I started out nominally in Hillary's favor. I was pulled nominally into the Obama camp by the time the Massachusetts primary took place. I have been fully in his camp for some time now. I think he's fantastic.

Just to give Carruthers, et al some bait...

I also didn't fundamentally disagree with much of what the Rev. Wright had and has to say about the political state of affairs in the United States and the consequences of our foreign policy. He speaks uncomfortable truths. In order to learn from our mistakes and begin to follow a better path into the future, it is important that these truths are articulated and heard. People can still pretend that they aren't real, but at least they will understand that they resonate with many people.
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We were living in Berkeley in the early 90s - my Thai wife, our newborn and I. My Dad flew out to visit us, and some Thai friends who lived in an all-Thai apartment building offered to watch the baby for a few hours while my Dad took my wife and me out to dinner.

When we returned from dinner, everybody in the apartment building was gathered around one apartment from which we could hear the screaming of our newborn. She had been screaming the entire time we were gone, and the ladies in the apartment building (mostly college students) didn't know what to do. One woman, however, the "grandma" had an idea that she would try to breastfeed the baby. So there they were - 20 Thai college women and this older woman with her shirt open, trying to get our baby to suckle, while one of the younger ladies dripped warm milk over her breast. Given how much the baby was screaming, it wasn't terribly successful.

Reading this post, it never occurred to me that anybody could have been bothered by this sort of thing. If anything, at the time, I was embarrassed because my kid wouldn't shut up, creating such a commotion. I was grateful that this woman was willing to try to help out and calm the baby.

I'm perplexed about the negative response here. For the Thai folks, it seemed perfectly natural. We've raised our daughter back and forth between Thailand and the US ever since (mostly in the US). In the context of Thai rural village life this solution to the problem of a screaming baby wouldn't raise a single eyebrow. The idea that American mores might consider such an addict creepy or taboo is unfortunate. A peculiar hangup.
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Was that an attempt at “funny because its so awful”?
I don’t think it worked. Its just bad.
My honest guess is that whoever made this commercial thinks that it is an accurate portrayal of genuine coolness." There is a geek somewhere with a clipboard who's real memory from his traumatic high school years have been repressed and replaced with scenes from 80s rocker films and MTV music videos. He's got a case of blueballs so bad that his brain is frying and he now thinks that the movie scenes were his actual high school years. Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Cruise and everyone else from "The Brat Pack" rolled up and squeezed into his tiny little brain.

So sad. So sad.
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Her comments were immediately followed by he soft, slapping sounds made of their wingnut tears dropping slowly onto the keywords and into the bed of Doritos, haphazardly torn asunder and shifted until the might be packed up for home.
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"no more cat videos. animal videos are so lame"

So sez Rob, clearly sleeping alone this evening, the empowering sexual pleasures of a Japanese freedom-fighting lady sadly not available to his milieu.

Rob must learn before he can fight.
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She probably gets other male cats to grab human female asses on crowded trains during rush hour - and since she's 5th in charge of the company, there's not a single thing anyone can do about it.

I'm telling you once the Japanese Civil Service effectively falls to the cats, everything that remains precariously in place in that house of cards that is Japan's civil service and infrastructure had better be shored up by human thinkers and patriots.

This is an emergency. What can we do from abroad beyond attempt to bring attention to the problems? If I had to bet, I'd say that Kempeitai drives Homeland Security more than the other way around. If the Kempeitai shows up and knocks, don't open the door. If they're already in your living room then it's too late.
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We've got to choose our battles, and unfortunately for me, hating snakes is pretty high on the top of my list of things that carry me through the day. I'd be remiss if I simply ignored my snake-hatred. What would my children think? "Oh look, there's daddy and there's that snake he hates... He's got his shovel. He's got his can of kerosene. Why isn't daddy doing anything? He's letting the snake get away."

Yes, indeed, the snake that got away. I can't wait to try to explain that to the kids. And oh yeah - btw - from now on this is a snake SANCTUARY and we're going to invite more and more of them to run out their evil biological programs right here in front of our very eyes.

No, Gents. Without revealing too much to the "We Love Snakes" crowd, I've put together a collection of tools that push the boundaries of backyard technology. It'll be snakes that we'll reap in a fully automated fashion - with a suite of options for how the lethal kill is delivered per our druthers of the given moment. You there - do you wish to incinerate that family of serpents that you've mechanically corralled into their arena of death? Do you instead wish to flay them? Chop them into bits? Poison them chemically? Electrocute them? Well, Sir, what will it be?
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