Adam Stanhope's Comments

ha - seekshelter - awesome memory!

Another one I thought of - but couldn't find - was the Hawaii Five-Oh episode where hippy surfers and beach-bums were doing amphetamines, and there was one dude who was high on speed while driving a motorcycle, but started having an acid-like trip...

Book 'em, Dano!
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Fair enough question, Roger.

First - I'd like to stress that I am not this blog's owner. This blog is owned by Alex. I do not receive remuneration for posting here on this blog. I do it because I enjoy it.

The anti-Semitic joke was in poor taste, but I let it stand for several hours because it wasn't beyond the pale.

What you *didn't* see is that the same person left a number of other totally unacceptable comments that I don't think anyone would disagree with having deleted. The comments all come in to me via email, and they are all identified not just by the name and email address chosen, but by the ip_address of the computer that is being used to place the comments.

If somebody as obnoxious as this fellow showed up at a party you helped throw, you'd want him tossed. You've clearly been around long enough, Roger, to understand how unpleasant some people can be through the course of posting blog comments.

If you wish to pursue this issue with me further, feel free to contact me directly via email - I am a s t a n h o p e at g m a i l dot c o m
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I've been a big fan for years and years, too - I guess since his first single "Joy of your life"?

Paul Barman is responsible for the world's greatest hip-hip lyrics, bar none:

Can I chime in?
I'll still be rhymin'
When I'm in your hymen

It doesn't any much better than that, does it?
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It's certainly possible.

There are hundreds of accounts of pre "modern world" Chinese monks and ascetics with remarkable physical accomplishments. Are they all true? No. Are some of them true? Absolutely.
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I happen to think that a cleverly presented graphic representation of the opportunity costs associated with an expenditure of $720MM daily for the war is quite "neat." It's not about me needing to be right. We've just started the 6th year of this war... I daresay that this is the first post ever on this site exploring that specific issue.

If banging the anti-war drum is my modus operandi, I'm certainly not doing it here, nor is anyone else. I think all of us naturally avoid posting about heavily political topics for this very reason - hence the death of such posts here.

Seriously, there's no end to entertaining anti-Bush, anti-Republican and anti-war material out there with which we could stuff this blog to the gills. It simply has not, does not and will not happen.

In fact, the level of anger and emotion of some of the responses to these very rare, very mild posts exploring some of these ideas is shocking to me. You'd think that after two years of posting with scores of posts that I could post this without incurring liberal-hating wrath, but sure enough, SoftwareSamurai blows a gasket. I'd like to suggest that if uncontrollable anger and rage is one's response to a particular post, then they should try to exercise some restraint in their response.

If all of a sudden the other posters and I turn this site into all "Bush Sucks," all of the time, feel free to call us our on our editorial style. In the meantime, breath deep and try to relax a bit. It'll be a lot healthier and a lot more fun for all of us.
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720,000 Americans killed by terrorists every day?

What universe is that possible in?

Transparency about the war is "thoughtless drivel?" Aren't free speech and government accountability two of the core principals upon which our nation was founded?

Frankly, it sounds genuinely "un-American" to promote secrecy surrounding the war effort.

And boy, you sure do *sound* angry.
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There's nothing inherently political about discussing the cost of the war and exploring what we could, perhaps have purchased for the same amount of money.

If you're angry at me for posting this, you're really angry at transparency. If you're angry at transparency around the cost (and opportunity costs) with regard to the war, then you probably realize deep down that you're wrong.

Transparency is almost always a good thing. It is certainly a good thing in the face of a 5+ year, terribly unpopular multi-trillian dollar war of choice.
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I'm not sure if I've EVER deleted a comment here before today, but "ahole jerry's" comment merited a delete. Jerry: I didn't block you from commenting in the future, but please try to keep it in your pants next time, ok?

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