What do I think? I hope that he has more than pretty words; he certainly is a gifted speaker (and his speech writer is good). From the first, I've liked the look of him- and I don't just mean physical appearance. And after the way Hillary whined on and on during the whole thing- well, he sure gets my vote. AND- I'm glad...just plain glad.
I saw true OCD once- and it was so overwhelming and numbing that it totally consumed the life of the people involved. A lot of what's mentioned here seems to me to be quirks instead (or publicity stunts, like someone else mentioned). Real OCD is debilitating.
I was traveling down a dark country road several years ago and nearly had an accident- the road was one mass of frogs (or toads? who could tell in the dark?) moving from one side to the other- it was a nightmare. I really nearly lost the car on all that slime...
and I had a laugh at the other comments. sure to be an instant hit. can't you just see Tiger Woods using one?
a bullock (according to wikipedia) is a castrated male- for sure a male.
a heifer is a female.
this article calls the poor animal both of the above and refers uses the word 'he'- so is he a he...or a she. Can't be both.