Anita's Comments
ANY image? Wow, I'll bet there's some pretty sketchy credit cards out there!
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Really? I thought it was pretty neat. If my son did this I'd be pretty impressed ... but then, he's only 2 ;)
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Duly noted and changed. I always liked it better without the dash, but then I have a bad habit of spelling things my way instead of the right way ;)
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WOW, that looks just like Ze! ;)
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That's NASTY!
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You mean your poop isn't red? ;)
I'd believe him if he said "my poop is now green" ... particularly if he just drank a whole can of Purplesaurus Rex Kool-Aid. Try it for yourself ... a couple glasses and you'll be dropping bright green presents by the morning.
I found this out the hard way after drinking a whole 48oz can at a birthday party as a kid. My parents thought I had contracted some strange disease and frantically took me to the doctors.
I'd believe him if he said "my poop is now green" ... particularly if he just drank a whole can of Purplesaurus Rex Kool-Aid. Try it for yourself ... a couple glasses and you'll be dropping bright green presents by the morning.
I found this out the hard way after drinking a whole 48oz can at a birthday party as a kid. My parents thought I had contracted some strange disease and frantically took me to the doctors.
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Beezy, good point ... but from an environmental standpoint one of these cars (which gets well over 40mpg) is far better for the environment than the average American car (under 20mpg).
If we really cared about the environment, we'd all be driving these cars ... or asking our government to add a 100%+ tax on all new cars like they do in the Netherlands.
If we really cared about the environment, we'd all be driving these cars ... or asking our government to add a 100%+ tax on all new cars like they do in the Netherlands.
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Wow, that's amazing! I'm strangely attracted to that picture ;)
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It's actually from 1967. The video is from a computer training session that Jim Henson put together for IBM. The monster at the time was called "Arnold the Munching Monster". After his first appearance, Arnold sat in Henson's closet for 2 years, until it made a brief appearance in 2 Munchos potato crisp commercials.
When Arnold appeared in Sesame Street in 1969/1970 (its first season), he was unnamed and still rather scary. He quickly was fashioned as the Cookie Monster and took on the toothless "friendly monster" appearance we all know and love today.
I submitted the video to digg (link here) for anyone that likes it. I thought it was hilarious.
When Arnold appeared in Sesame Street in 1969/1970 (its first season), he was unnamed and still rather scary. He quickly was fashioned as the Cookie Monster and took on the toothless "friendly monster" appearance we all know and love today.
I submitted the video to digg (link here) for anyone that likes it. I thought it was hilarious.
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Sid - From an environmental standpoint, we'd all be much better if we just let most of our trash lay outside and biodegrade.
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Thanks DrJones ... I guess I was just looking to attrack some attention myself ;)
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surfer dude - you must be right! ;)
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These are my favorite bathroom reads. I have a bunch of the books, not 10 like Jeff, but still enough to keep me busy in the loo.
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WOW. I LOVE silly human tricks, just love them.
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I wonder why it wouldn't be easier just to go in through the other end ... shorter distance, isn't it? And no bad taste there ;)