Alex Santoso's Blog Posts

Waller's Crochet Art.

Patricia Waller elevates crochet to an art form. Link

Devo By 5th Graders.

Devo's classic "Whip It" re-enacted by fifth-graders at the Hawley Elementary School in Minnesota. Link or if it's down, try this: Link

The Work Blind.

The Work Blind: have someone take a picture of you working, then have a print blown up as large as your cubicle's opening. Brilliant! Link

Cigliano's Illustrations.

Bill Cigliano draws award winning illustrations that are just plain fun to look at. Link

World's Most Flexible Man.

Pierre Beauchemin, a school teacher from Canada, held the world record for being the most flexible man. Link. For other very limber fellows, see: Limbermen

For more neat human feats, see the 50 weirdest Guinness World Records.

Bodmin the Gigantic Rabbit.

Bodmin the rabbit (named after the Beast of Bodmin, a legendary half-rat/half-bunny predator that terrorizes England). At time of the picture, this rabbit weighs at 88lbs. More picture of Bodmin

Lockheed Lounge

This Lockheed Lounge by MINIMA comes with 1,800 rivets. Looks awesome, but probably isn't very comfy. You can order one for just $625. Link

Veggies + Fruits + Flowers = Cool Art.

Giuseppe Arcimboldo was a famous artist in the 16th century who drew amazing paintings of veggies, fruits, and flowers resembling people. Link

Dragon Paper Sculpture.

You can make this little dragon, whose face seems to look at you directly and follow you as you walk across the room. Link Updated Link

A Gazillion Pennies.

OK, so everyone knows how big 1 penny is. It's also easy to visualize 16 stacked pennies. How about $10 worth of pennies (1,000 pennies)? 50,000 pennies? 1 million pennies? 10 million pennies? How much pennies does it take to fill up the Sears towers?

This website explains it all: the MegaPenny Project

Catfish vs. Basketball

This was a pretty interesting story from The Sunday Wichita Eagle Newspaper a couple of weeks ago.

A resident in the area saw a ball bouncing around kind of strangely in a nearby pond and went to investigate.

It turned out to be a flathead catfish who had obviously tried to swallow a child's basketball which became stuck in its mouth!!

See the pictures here:
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Hidden Mickeys.

Hidden Mickeys started out as an inside joke by Walt Disney workers - they subtly "hide" Mickey Mouse's signature ear silhouettes in plain sight.

Where? everywhere! Hidden Mickeys have been found on park rides, hotel decors, and even in Disney movies!

See if you can find some of your own. Link

Bending Steel Bars. Why???

Terry Duty enjoys bending steel bars. He's worked out the proper techniques of bending steel (yes, apparently there are proper techniques) that he called Slim the Hammer Man style and so forth.

That Bike's Got ONE Wheel!

A modern monowheel built by Kerry McLean. For a nice collection of monowheel pictures, see:

RIOT Wheel.

The RIOT Wheel is a 1,100 lb motorized single-wheel vehicle first built for the Burning Man festival (where else?) Link

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