Alex Santoso's Blog Posts

Expeditions You Wouldn't Go On and Why.

The Salariya Book Co. explains why "You Wouldn't Want to be a Polar Explorer!", Ernest Shackleton's 1914 expedition to Antarctica. Link

As Predicted By Moby Dick.

Brendan McKay answers to Michael's Drosnin's challenge "When my critics find a message about the assasination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby Dick, I'll believe them." Link

Ah, the power of data mining.

Fire From Ice.

Bob Gillis explains how you can start a fire by creating a lens made from ice. Link (via BoingBoing)

Cool Frog Photoshop Images.

The (always) amazingly creative photoshop contest at Worth1000 - this particular theme is "frog". For more entries, see: Link

A Comical Engagement.

Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier grew up reading and loving comic strips. This is how they got engaged, illustrated the way they know best: in comics.

Roman Ruins Found with Google Earth.

Luca Mori, an Italian computer programmer, was using Google Maps and Google Earth, when he stumbled upon a Roman ruin near Parma, Italy.

This was probably the first archeological find using Google's tools.

Laurie Jacob's Bra Art.

Two from Laurie Jacob's bra collections: the Spiky Bra and the Blowfish Bra. Link

Virtual Stapler.

Proof that some people have waaay too much time on their hand: the Virtual Stapler site. (Weird, I can't stop stapling the virtual stapler!)

Fight! Kikkoman.

From our ever wacky and weird friends in Japan, here comes the Kikkoman Soy Sauce fight song.

Next Time You Have a Headache...

A 33-year old woman went to adoctor complaining of headaches and was told that there was a spider living in her ear! The spider even had time to spun a web there... Link

Wacky Court Cases.

John Schwenkler compiled the web classic "Guide to Wacky Court Cases", including the famous 1971 case of United States vs. Satan, a landmark class action suit against the Price of Darkness himself. Unfortunately, the lawsuit was shelved due to a technicality.

Other must see cases include a man who sued himself for trying to raid his own trust fund, a court ruling that a house is haunted by poltergeists and therefore its seller must take it back, and more.

Link: Wacky Court Cases.

If you like the doll to the left, it's a Qeester.

TV Watching Record - I Can Do That!

Suresh Joachin is the Guiness world record holder for longest marathon tv watching of 69 hours and 48 minutes. He broke the previous world record of 50 hours and 7 minutes.

Suresh now holds 16 Guiness records, including longest duration balancing on one foot (76 hours and 40 minutes) and bowling for 100 hours. Why is he doing this? "To raise awareness of suffering children". to CNN article  | to the rules at LIVE with Regis & Kelly

Cool Snowflakes.

Natural and artificial snow flakes beautifully photographed by Ken Libbrecht at Caltech. The first one on the left is nature's own (photo by Patricia Rasmussen & Ken Libbrecht), the middle one is an unusual triangular shaped showflake. The one on the right is a designer or artificial snow flake, probably the world's largest, measuring at approximately 1 inch across. Link

Swing's Coin Furnitures.

Johnny Swing is a New York artist who welded thousands of pennies, nickels, and quarters into amazing furnitures.

Shown to the left is his "Nickel Couch".

If you have a Swing furniture, and someone asks whether you've ever found money on your couch, you can say "why, I have thousands of coins on my couch now..."


Hulk's Blog.

Everyone's got a blog on the Internet nowadays ... even the Incredible Hulk! Link

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