Alex Santoso's Blog Posts

Why You Shouldn't Look Directly at the Sun.

Never, ever look directly at the sun. Not even for a few seconds. This video clip explains why. Link (via Cynical-C Blog)

Where Darth Vader Gets His News.

Dimsmoor's Concrete Garden.

Samuel Dinsmoor, a retired school teacher and Civil War vet, began building his Garden of Eden and Cabin Home in Kansas in 1907 from cement and limestone.

He ultimately everything from concrete, including an American flag and a stone mausoleum with a glass-topped concrete coffin. (via Metafilter)

Mekong Giant Catfish.

Thai fishermen caught this grizzly bear-sized, 656-pound, 9-feet long Mekong Giant Catfish. They had hoped to sell it to environmentalists to be bred, but it died too soon. So, they chopped it up and ate it instead. Link

World's Longest Eyebrow.

Frank Ames' coworkers encouraged him to call Guiness world records because he has the world's longest eyebrow (more than 3 inches long!) Link

Turn Your Loved Ones into Gems.

When you die, you can have Dean VandenBiesen of LifeGem turn your body (or your pet's) into a diamond. He uses a super-hot oven to turn the carbon in the ashes into graphite, then press it into blue and yellow diamonds (retail value $2,700 to $20,000!).

Now, when someone approach you saying "why, that's a beautiful diamond ring you're wearing", you can reply "thank you, it's my mother!"...

Link to LifeGem | Link to news article (thanks Nina!)

Don't Mess With This Guy.

So, looters will be shot, then smacked with a claw hammer, bit by a big dog, and made to sleep with an ugly woman. Sign seen during Katrina's aftermath.

Vision of Science Images.

David McCarthy took this Vision of Science 2005 winning image of a grain of salt and a single peppercorn using a scanning electron microscope.

For more great images of science see:

Accident at the Accident Center - Ah, the Irony.

Clever Spider Mating Strategy.

The male nursery spider faces a dilemma - the female spider is much bigger and likes to eat male suitors while mating.

So, it develops a clever strategy: it brings a dead insect to distract the female spider, then it plays dead. Then when the feame is busy munching on the gift, it revives, creeps under her and begins mating.

Link(via Aberrant News)

Python vs. Gator.

In the Florida everglades, they found a dead carcass of a 13-foot Burmese python whose stomach had burst from trying to swallow a 6-foot alligator whole. Link

World's Ugliest Dog.

Susie Lockheed's 15-year old dog Sam, a purebred Chinese Crested Hairless, has won the World's Ugliest Dog competition for 3 years in a row. Link

Conflicting Message for Children.

Blur's Aunt Luisa.

Blur Studio made this 2002 Academy Award-nominated short animation about an old lady who hears music all the time but can't figure out where it's coming from. (click on the Quicktime icon)

Honda's Dog-Friendly WOW Car.

Honda has created a dog-friendly concept car called WOW. (for Wonderful Open-hearted Wagon, although I think it stands for bow wow).

Anyways, the car has a special crate for dogs in the glove compartment that allows the owner to interact with the dog while driving.

Link (via Gizmodo)

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