Alex Santoso's Blog Posts

Unfortunate Thanksgiving Cards.

For a gallery of unfortunate Thanksgiving cards, see: Link

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Bugs & Slugs.

Wonderful bug and slug photos in BBC's "Life in the Undergrowth" series are not to be missed. Link

The one to the right is a bizarre, marathon mating ritual of the leopard slug. Link (via The Huge Entity)

Dali Clock.

What time is it? Why, it's Dali time of course! Get your own Dali clock for $50! (via Crib Candy)

Air Sack Alarm.

If you can't get up in the morning, you need Hinada Electric Corp.'s Air Sack Alarm (about $800).

At the specified time, the pump turns on to inflate the air sack, which is placed under you. It will cycle every 7 seconds until you tumble out of bed.

Link (English Translation) | Movie
(via Red Ferret Journal)

35mm Lego Camera.

A working 35mm camera made out of Lego, how cool is that? Link (via MAKE: Blog)

Once Bitten Cookie Cutter.

Tired of people eating your cookies before you get a chance to? Bake 'em with this once-bitten cookie cutter and make 'em think twice! Link (via Green Head)

RIP Sam, the World's Ugliest Dog.

I've blogged about Sam, the world's ugliest dog, before.

Sadly, Sam passed passed away at nearly 15 years old. | Link to Susie's (the owner's) blog

Nina Gordon's "Straight out of Compton".

Nina Gordon recently released a very pretty, acoustic cover song called "Straight out of Compton", a rap originally recorded by NWA (N*ggers with Attitude, yes that's their name as I've found out).

Warning: lyrics are laced with profanity. It's definitely NSFW (not safe for work). Turn up your speaker!!!

Link to music: Straight out of Compton | Nina Gordon's website (via Acland Brierty)

A Pixel Kind of Town.

From the website: " Isocity is meant as a place for pixelartsists around the world to showcase their talents."

Now That's a Paper Airplane!

From the website: "This is a collection of a few of my favorite paper airplanes. Much of this was developed during 5 years of sitting through French classes."


Don't Pee Here.

For more things badly designed, see: Link

Korea's Bartending Robot.

Korean Ministry of Science and Technology’s Intelligent Robot taskforce has created the "T-Rot" (or Thinking Robot) with a cool new synthetic skin that allows it to detect texture just like human's skin.

T-Rot's first application? Why, being a bartender, of course. Link (via OhGizmo)

Topsy Turvy House.

For more funny-lookin' houses from around the world, see: Link

Volfson's Electric Stained Glass.

Boris Volfson's patented electric stained glass is "visually indistinguishable from stained glass. However, unlike conventional stained glass, Electric Stained Glass emits light from both sides rather than transmitting and filtering it from one side only."


Charlie Brown's Pathetic Christmas Tree.

For just 24 bucks, you can now buy Charlie Brown's pathetic christmas tree. Link

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