My name is misspelled so often (and mis-pronounced even more so, thanks to my husband's Creole heritage) that I don't even bother correcting. I really don't mind. The best Starbucks misspelling I ever got was "Andrew". Nearly every time I go it's "Adrian", but Andrew made me giggle. Are there women named Andrew? I feel like it's an untapped market.
Sharkhats: I did some sleuthing; that image collage was created by WebUrbanist in the post which is linked at the end of the paragraph. It looks like they used the image shown here ( to create it; the tiny Gigantor was apparently 'shopped in for a review(??) of a toy Tetsujin-28.
@Thaxted: I wanted to! But then I thought maybe the lack of Batman in this post would make people say something about the lack of Batman in this post. Next time, I promise.
I once bought a dozen eggs, four of which had double yolks. I've never had another since, though. I blame the Margaret Atwoodesque nature of chicken farming on this one.
I'm thinking it's mostly meant to showcase the schtick of being fully holographic. The clothes aren't anything special, really--and who would write posts about solid-colored shift dresses? I'm sort of curious as to how his sales went after this.
I imagine that some day same-sex marriage's detractors will have grandchildren embarrassed by their opinions, just as I'm mortified by my grandmother who isn't afraid of dropping the n-word from time to time.
You can argue until you turn blue, but at some point (probably not in the too-distant future), same-sex marriage will be uniformly legalized just as interracial marriage was in 1967, and the people who vote it into law will be the kids you've raised. Conversely, I don't believe the children raised by gay couples would vote to take away your rights to marry as you see fit, which is maybe something to think about.
On top of seeming bizarre, there is a hint of implausibility about it. I don't know what the Russians do, but by the time a body is ready for interment here, there's not a chance the person is still alive. Anyone got the info on Russian body prep??
You can argue until you turn blue, but at some point (probably not in the too-distant future), same-sex marriage will be uniformly legalized just as interracial marriage was in 1967, and the people who vote it into law will be the kids you've raised. Conversely, I don't believe the children raised by gay couples would vote to take away your rights to marry as you see fit, which is maybe something to think about.