Or, actors of a 'species' will consort with others of the same species because they will generally be in the same scenes. If I were a 'chimpanzee', I'll look for other chimps so that I would be less likely to miss calls for when filming starts.
I was half-joking, but I'm reminded about the debate as to which supersedes the other: the author's intention or the reader's interpretation. I don't know the conclusion, if there was one. Anyone?
I get too many vowels -- the whole word runs off the screen. (For example, "MISS C" shows as "MIIIIIIIIII.....".) How do you get it like the images in this post?
Locally, we have the "dossant", a better-named "cronut" (which sounds like a lesion that your doctor finds on physical exam - which, fortunately could be removed on an out-patient basis).
Also, is this really worth 4:37 of recording time? Yes, yes it is.
(Yes, not so original, but it had to be done, here, now.)
Locally, we have the "dossant", a better-named "cronut" (which sounds like a lesion that your doctor finds on physical exam - which, fortunately could be removed on an out-patient basis).