RemyCarreiro's Blog Posts

Top 10 Twisted Horror Families

Image credit: Tartan Films

From Texas Chainsaw to The Hills Have Eyes, horror movies have always played around with the idea of the typical family dynamic. While we like to imagine that yelling at Thanksgiving is about as dysfunctional as it gets, we know better. We know there are families out there who may do unspeakable things, and may do it in one another's company. That thought can be terrifying.

BloodyDisgusting put together a sick list of "Top Ten Twisted Horror Families" for you to peruse whilst simultaniously realizing how lucky you are that the insanity of your own family is delegated to the dinner table and not the backwoods or bedrooms like some of the families that made this list.

Special shoutout that A Tale Of Two Sisters (featured above) made the list. A truly remarkable film more people need to see (and it's the perfect time of year to check it out).

Ghostbusters 3 Is Definitely A Go (with Lady Ghostbusters!)

Ghostbusters 3 "will they or wont they" has been a big point of speculation for the internet over the last few years, with news changing daily. Yes they will make it. No, they wont. Murray wants nothing to do with it. Blah blah Slimer blah. 

Finally, though, it is happening. We have an 100% confirmation on Ghostbusters 3, KIND OF. More of a Ghostbusters reboot with the story focusing around female ghostbusters. With some really interesting casting choices, (which I wont ruin it for you) it sounds kind of cool. Just watch the Machinima video and see for yourself.

(YouTube Link)

Come on, as soon as I said female ghostbusters, we all thought of the entire Bridesmaids cast. It's cool. That sounds like it could be a riot. Now we just have to wait years and years to see if it comes to fruition.

The 8 Most Horrifying Pop Culture Clowns

Image Credit: Rick Dikeman

Lets none of us play games, okay? It is almost the tenth of October, and we all know what that means. Halloween is coming, and it is a perfect time to start pumping yourself up by reading something that will scare the crap out of you. I say this as a grown man who fears clowns. But also as a rational man, knowing ALL people should fear clowns. Oh, this article is about scary clowns, by the way, in case you couldn't tell from my fear-fueled rambling.

Uproxx put together a tasty little list of the 8 most terrifying clowns from pop culture, and I will admit, they did a great job. I mean, any clown is horrifying, so it mustn't have been that hard, but still. Just seeing Pennywise from It on the list and I was happy.

By happy, I mean I may have peed a little.

Complex Mechanisms Explained In Simple Animations

Image Credit:Tony Hisgett

As humans, we no longer just want to know something exists. We want to know why it exists, how it exists, and take it apart to figure out how it works. Thanks to the internet age and the vast array of knowledge available to us here, the most curious of us can finally find out how everything works. Sometimes it is simple physics, and other times, complex engineering, but either way, we love to get a look inside.

Over at GadgetsWow there is a great article that shows how complex mechanisms work, and they achieve this by using simple, gif animations. Things as normally complicated as a constant velocity joint suddenly makes sense to you in about a second's time. Funny to think how the eye processes differently than the brain. Were you reading a book on that subject, you would need hundreds of pages. But in looking at it, you need but seconds.

Our brains are pretty complex mechanisms themselves, huh?

Dubstep Dance Battle: Noster VS Eclypse

I have always admired people who can dance really well. There is just a grace and fluidity to good dancers, no matter what genre they dance to. Even in cases like this, where some people may not like the type of music, the dancing makes it enthralling to watch. Like this video.

(YouTube Link)

I also like the fact that whole thing is clearly taking place in a suburban shopping mall. Just proves that those Step Up movies must be steeped in accuracy. Suburbia is a breeding ground for the world's best dancers.

Oh, and anytime someone dressed like a robot does the robot, an angel gets its wings.

Check out Noster's YouTube Page for more awesome dance vids like this one.

The "Gritty Reboot" of Adventure Time Will Leave You Speechless

Not sure if you have checked out the Gritty Reboots YouTube page, but it is exactly what the name implies. They take cute and cartoonish things and give them, um, well, gritty reboots. While I found all of them hilarious and enjoyable up to this point, their most recent gritty reboot of Adventure Time blew my mind and left me speechless.

Literally, I have nothing else to say. This speaks for itself.

Okay, ONE more thing to say: wow. Right in the feels.

(YouTube Link)

The 30 Best Films of the 2000's

                                          Image credit: DNA Films/British Film Council

Do you remember what your favorite movie from the 2000's was? Though it was not long ago, it can be hard to remember. There were so many good films (and so many bad ones) that came out in that time, sometimes you try and look back and it is just a blur of characters and stories.

Thankfully, there are lists like this one put together by Film School Rejects that remember for us. Movies like 28 Days Later and Oldboy that all worked towards changing the way we look at modern cinema. The trend you will notice from the list is that there WAS no trend, and that is what set the 00's apart. There are as many comedies and thriller films on the list as there are dramas. The 2000's was when indie film making became the norm again, and that reflects itself in some of their choices.

This list also makes me want to watch most of these again.

Justice League: Thrones of Atlantis Official Trailer

It should be widely known (and isn't) that DC Animated make the best comic book movies. I am not even saying best "animated" comic book movies. I am saying best comic book movies, period. From Batman: Year One to Superman: Doomsday, their cartoon movies are often what we wish actual movies based on comics would be like.

Well it looks like DC Animated is adding another one to its roster. Question is, can DC make Aquaman cool again? Who am I kidding, he was never really cool. But I'll be honest with you. This looks like it might change that.

(YouTube Link)

Holy crap. Aquaman is cool.  

*Walks away speechless.

Via GeeksAreSexy

Rick and Morty Puppets Show Us A Deleted Scene From Season One

If you have not watched Rick and Morty on Adult Swim, you have no idea of the awesome you are missing out on. Consistently funny, twisted, and also slightly brilliant, it has been one of the bigger surprises in Adult Swim's line up in the last few years. Created by Dan Harmon (of Community fame) and Justin Roiland (who voices Lemongrab on Adventure Time), it is a show that really needs to be seen by all.

IGN actually had the titular characters on as puppets, and they showed the storyboard to a variation of a scene they deleted from season one. Check it out because, well, puppets.

(YouTube Link)

Oh, and if you haven't watched Rick and Morty, may a you from another dimension show up and kill you so they can take your place. You deserve that.

Playing Metal at Inappropriate Moments

When you think of "metal" music, you imagine it playing in some crowded arena or pumping into someone's headphones while they work out. What you don't imagine is someone shredding amazing riffs while getting some dental work done, or tearing it up in the shower. What you don't expect is the following...

Presenting, playing metal at inappropriate moments, by YouTube user Rob Scallon.

(YouTube Link)

The guy can shred, and somehow, his riffage comes across as even more intense while bellowing through a quiet library.

Via Wimp

Eye Contact Can Make Anything Creepy

Did you know that adding eye contact to certain actions can make them incredibly creepy? I had suspected as much, as I like to stare people in the eyes at weird times. An unbroken gaze can be really freaky as is, but add eating a banana into it and it takes it to a higher level than ever thought before.

(YouTube Link)

CollegeHumor is pretty consistent with this kind of twisted (but awesome) humor, so go check out their YouTube page if you get five minutes. Oh yes, there will be laughs. Also, make sure you spend a minute or two today making eye contact with people at wickedly uncomfortably moments. It will be fun!

The Ten Deadliest Rampage Killers

                                Image Credit: SklMsta

The world can be a very scary place. There is no way to know the capacity for evil the person standing next to you. There is no way to know what the people around you every day are thinking. Based on the laws of averages alone, at one point in your life you were standing next to someone with murder on their mind. Scary to think about, but also lets you know you should never let your guard down.

Listverse threw together this dark (but insightful) list about the 10 deadliest rampage killers, and it gives you some real insight into these souls, who there were, and where they were from. Though it may be a but morbid, sometimes people like to step away from the puppy and kitten videos for a few minutes and realize that real life is not a Disney movie.

This list will remind you of that really quickly.

Via Listverse

Professor X Is A Wimp

Professor X of the X-Men is wimp. He really is. If you think about it, all he does is sit in that chair and read people's minds. Not too sure how cool that is. He doesn't even really fight. He just barks commands. A bad dictator, if you will.

Screen Junkies picked up on this and made this stellar supercut of all the times the X-Men leader was a bit of a pansy. Warning, this may change the way you look at Professor X.

(YouTube Link)

I think "Professor X Has Self-Hatred Issues" would have been a better title, but what can you do?

Top Ten Insane Nicolas Cage Performances

I am sorry to inform you, but Nicolas Cage is one of the greatest actors of our time. I am not saying this because he is, technically, one of the greatest actors of our time. I am saying this because Nic Cage ensures insanity no matter what he is in, and insanity is watchable. For that reason, there is a train wreck mentality that causes us to turn our heads and pay attention when he is in a movie, if for no other reason than we know that he will do something daft in every role he takes.

(YouTube Link)

Thankfully, Machinima put together this amazing list of Top Ten Insane Nicolas Cage Performances, and every single entry on the list is pure gold. Trust me, I had no idea they would be making a list like this when I posted this last week. I just had Nicolas Cage on the brain and wanted to share one of my favorite film moments ever with you all. Seems I wasn't the only one with batty Nic Cage moments on the brain.

New Map Shows Sea Floor In Greater Detail Than Ever Before

             (Image: David Sandwell, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego)

You know what is utterly terrifying in scope and takes up most of the Earth's surface? The ocean. If Pacific Rim taught us anything, it is that there are PROBABLY aliens living in there, just waiting for the perfect time to hatch and surface. The truth is, we know very little about the ocean. There are depths that have yet to be explored, and it is safe to assume, within those depths, there are new sea creatures we have never seen before that will fuel our nightmares. Maybe not of Pacific Rim proportions, but angler fish prove size doesn't matter when it comes to what is terrifying in the ocean. Sorry, I am totally getting sidetracked here.

GizMag has an article right now about some new sea-maps that have been released that show unprecedented detail in the ocean floor. Mountains and crevices mapped out that allow scientists and oceanographers further insight into how the continents were formed, and just what may be happening miles under the sea's surface. The site explains further:

The new map's accuracy is thanks to improved remote sensing instruments and access to two previously untapped streams of satellite data. These come from the ESA's CryoSat-2, which is usually focused on monitoring polar ice volume but also operates continuously over the oceans, and NASA's Jason-1, which was redirected to map Earth's gravity field during the last year of its 12-year mission. Data from these satellites was combined with existing data and used to develop a scientific model that captures gravity measurements on the ocean seafloor.

While incredibly impressive, I happen to have a sort of Pandora's Box vibe about the ocean, though. I mean, do we REALLY want to find out what is down there? I was just informed by some people far more professional than I that we do, indeed, want to know what is in the ocean, as well as its topography. I guess I just have a more vivid imagination than most. 

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