RemyCarreiro's Blog Posts

5 Conspiracy Theories That Are So Dumb They're Brilliant

Image Credit: Garitzko

Conspiracy theories can be very strange rabbit holes to wander down. While some theories may have some elements of truth to them, most of them are just that: theories. Ideas by single minds that somehow get perpetuated to the masses and in that, those theories end up reaching larger audiences who no longer seem to have the grasp that these are simply "theories."

Got to give some credit to Cracked, though. For years, the site has called out some of the more well-known conspiracy theories and shown them for just how silly or asinine they are. Seems they are at it again with 5 Conspiracy Theories That Are So Dumb They're Brilliant. It is sometimes important to find humor in just how absurd some of these theories are. Just the fact that someone thinks the ALS ice bucket challenge is actually a satanic baptism ritual is just too hilarious to NOT be shared with the masses.

Ironic plot twist: am I perpetuating such conspiracies by writing about them and bringing more attention to them? I sure hope so, as some of these are hilarious.

SNL and the Return of Stefon

I am sorry to say this, but Saturday Night Live is in kind of a slump right now. They are still easing us into the new cast and it has not been the sweetest or smoothest transition for them. So what does SNL do when the new cast needs a boost and the audience needs to be reminded why they love the show in the first place?

They bring on a beloved and classic former character, of course.

In this case, club kid Stefon played the brilliant Bill Hader. For those who don't know how these sketches work: the writers don't actually tell Hader what the club names will be or what they will feature. He reads them live off the teleprompter during the show (which is why he often breaks into bursts of laughter).

Knowing that makes it all even funnier, and it's good to see they can still catch him off-guard.

(YouTube Link)

This post was guest written by Dan Cortese.

Dad Gets Caught Singing To Baby, Adorable Shame Ensues

There is nothing wrong with being a sensitive and sweet man. Honestly, it is a nice change from the emotionless brutes that society seems to encourage. One night Tristen Combs heard her husband singing to the baby in the tub, and she just knew she needed to share it with the world.

Nice to see that there are still dads out there who know how important it is to actually take joy in those moments that so many take for granted. Also note, when he gets busted, his look of shame as he pulls the curtain closed is priceless.

(YouTube Link)

You have nothing to be ashamed about, friend. Frankly, the world needs more guys like you.

Via Wimp

Dishwasher Loading: Teenage Instructional Video # 2

I don't actually have teenage kids, but from what I recall about being one, they kind of suck. I don't mean to speak on behalf of all teenagers, but seriously, we kind of ALL sucked. Sometimes getting a teenager to do the simplest thing (like load a dishwasher) is like asking them to cure a disease or discover an unconventional liquid that could be used for fuel purposes.

In realizing his own teenage kids were lacking certain basic skills, Will Reid took to YouTube and started posting "how to" videos for teenage kids. It started as a joke with "how to replace an empty toilet paper tube" but the video caught on, and now it seems Will is back, this time to teach teenagers the fine art of loading a dishwasher.

(YouTube Link)

Don't worry, Will. The joke is on all teens because we grow up and move out and don't even have a dish washer. Then we are punished by the cruel hand of hate to hand wash everything and reflect on the former suckiness of our ways.

5 Characters Who Would Make Fox's Gotham A Better Place

Image Credit:Marcus Quigmire

So who's had a chance to catch the the Fox's new (younger) take on the Batman universe, Gotham? The show is actually pretty good so far, surprisingly. Not to sound mean, but there is so much love for that universe, seems it would be easy to take a misstep at any point. Though good, it is still early in the game. With so many enemies and friends of Batman over the years, I am curious to see who they will add to the show over the years (if it lasts). Seems I am not the only one.

Nick Verboon over at my old haunting grounds, Unreality, has some pretty specific thoughts on some characters who would be a great benefit to Gotham if they were added to the television show's roster. Anarky being just one great example among the plethora they could pull from. It's a fun piece speculating about some characters who could all add some unique flavor to the shady city we all love so much.

Now let's just hope the show sticks around long enough for some of these predictions and high hopes to come true.

Ranking The 20 Best Disney Songs Of All Time

Image Credit: Walt Disney Studios

We talk about Disney a lot here because, well, Disney is awesome. From the quality of the animated movies to their awesome theme parks, they are a big part of Americana. But what is one of the things that stands out most to people when it comes to Disney? The songs in the movies. From kids singing songs from Frozen to adults quoting the classics like Sleeping Beauty, Disney songs are a bigger part of our subconscious than we think. The real question is, which song is the best?

Hitflix assembled a list of the 20 best Disney songs, and I think you will find that they are pretty spot-on in their choices. Just keep in mind, anytime you read a "definitive list", it is actually an opinion piece. One person or a collective of people making that decision up, so if you disagree with a choice, that is fine. Just enjoy the list.

Plus, I bet you will be singing some of these Disney songs by the time you reach the end of the list.

Nick Offerman's Thoughts On Manscaping Need To Be Shared

As many of you know, Nick Offerman plays the amazing Ron Swanson on Parks and Recreation, and his character (and his mustache) have gained quite the following over the last couple years, with good reason. He is a funny, manly man who seems the opposite of most of the well-coiffed and near perfect stars we are used to seeing.

Offerman was recently on Conan O' Brien and the conversation turned to manscaping. Being an outspoken, manly-man, Nick Offerman had some very unique thoughts about this cultural phenomenon, and I feel his insights need to be shared by all.

(YouTube Link)

While I wont ruin his Gandalf-like extollerations, I will tell you this much: he thinks "manscaping" is, among other things, an abomnation of the English language.

Seriously, if Offerman opened a church, I would probably go.

Background Ballet Dancer Goes A Little Off The Rails

The one thing about ballet that seems predominant anytime you see it is the consummate professionalism of everyone involved. Usually, it is a well choreographed, well oiled machine. But such is not the case of one background dancer that someone caught on tape during the performance you are about to see.

Seems this person was getting a little into it, and ballet moves was turning into funk moves real quick. It may start slow, but watch the dancers in the back and you will figure out pretty quickly who to keep an eye on.

(YouTube Link)

Just a little back story so it makes more sense. It was a performance for Moscow children, and the background dancers are allowed to get a little more "hip" so the kids don't get bored. How awesome is that?


How To Make An Emergency Spoon

The sad fact is, you WILL need a spoon one day, and you wont have one. Best case scenario, you just need a spoon for some ice cream or something. Worst case scenario, you need a spoon to save the life of your best friend (not sure how this would happen, but just go with it for a second).

So what do you do when you need a spoon, yet you can only find ten thousand knives (bad reverse Alanis Morissette joke there)? You just make one. You may think you DON'T know how do to make a spoon, but guess what? By the time this video is done, you will, and YouTube User DaveHax shows you just how easy it is. It may not be as cute as a "kitten tackles something" video, but the kitten video cannot save your life during the *impending Ebola outbreak*. This information can.

(YouTube Link)

So how do you feel now knowing you may never feel that struggle for a spoon again? Powerful, right? Me too.

*Please not the impending Ebola outbreak part was a joke. Kind of.


12 Celebrities That Look Just Like Their Parents

                          Image Credit: Stefan Servos

The apple never falls far from the genetic tree, as you know. Most of us carry our parents traits on our faces and in our personalities. In Hollywood, it is no different. Well, they are usually more beautiful than us "normal mortals", but outside of that, it works the same.

Buzzfeed put together this list of 12 Celebrities Who Look Just Like Their Parents, but they did something really cool with the pics in the list (which I have no idea how to do right now). When you scroll over a pic, the photo splits between the actor (or actress) and their parent, so you can see side by side just how similar they are in looks. It is a slightly interactive post, which makes it a lot of fun (if you are as easily amused as me, that is).

Oh, something shiny. *Runs off

Focus Trailer Starring Will Smith

Will Smith is one of those actors who I think we all secretly are waiting for a "good" movie from. There was a time when he was the go-to guy for big, epic, fun movies. But his last few outings have been awful (After Earth, blah), but I, personally, always want to keep my hopes high that we have not yet seen the best of Will Smith. Though Fresh Prince was a high water mark that many would find hard to surpass.

Even though we have not heard from the actor in some time, seems we have our first new trailer for the new Will Smith movie, Focus.

(YouTube Link)

The problem I am having wih Focus from what I have seen so far is, people have lost the idea of what makes Will Smith movies work when they actually work. They have to be fun. This "serious" Will Smith thing takes away some of what makes him so likable in the first place. Hopefully, Focus will pack a punch and put Smith on the map.

I kind of like the dude.

How To Make Your Own Amazon Kindle E-Book In Just Hours

Image Credit: netalloy

Everyone these days wants the right to say they are a published author. It is very en vogue in the same way that being a "foodie" is very hip right now. Whilst the truest writers will use that passion to help them fight their way into the industry, some people just want to scream "buy my e-book!" at everyone who walks by them. Seems writers are only in two schools now. Well, this post will appeal to both.

Thankfully, we have a cheat sheet for you that will teach you how to bust out your own E-book on Kindle in just hours. It honestly isn't so much a cheat sheet, as there is nothing nefarious involved, as it is just a handy guide put together for those who want to understand the process of what it might take to get some of their writing out there.

Or you can use it to flood the world with your psuedo-erotic Twilight fan fiction. That call is yours to make.

5 Terrifying Facts About Ebola

It seems pretty obvious if you follow social media closely that Ebola is going to kill us all, and soon. It will be the next great epidemic, and will thin out of ranks and reduce us all to Walking Dead extras. You CAN think that way, or you can rationally inform yourself and not be so quick to determine what is and what isn't an epidemic via social media.

Though I initially thought sharing this video might help inform the masses about the true facts and science behind Ebola, I actually think it will just work to further perpetuate the feeling of mass fear that seems to be spreading through the country right now without reason. So here you go, watch these 5 terrifying facts about Ebola made by YouTube user Dark 5 and notice how itchy you feel by the end of the video.

Could that be the first stage?

(YouTube Link)

See, don't you feel so much worse now? Yeah, sorry about that.

Amazing Street Artist In Rome Shows Off Skills

For some people, art is an act of extreme patience. Certain master's works can take months and even years to finish. There are some other artists who seem to found ways to streamline the entire process down from Weeks to days, from days to hours, and finally, from hours to minutes.

Take, for example, this street artist in Rome. While it may look like he is starting with a simple rainbow, what he ends up with with will amaze you.

(YouTube Link)

Just speaking from experience, if I were to try and duplicate that, it would take me sixty-three months. Just trying to put it in perspective just how impressive this guy is. 


Can You Smoothie A Hot Dog?

Sometimes, it takes the internet to ask the probing questions the rest of us might be too scares to ask. Like, for example, can you make a hot dog into a smoothie? I mean, I am pretty sure you can, and I am pretty sure that wasn't something TOO many people were wondering, but if even one of you has ever wondered that, than by posting this video here, I have done the right thing.

(YouTube Link)

I think the real question here should not be can you make a hot dog into a smoothie, but rather, why would you want to? Alas, the internet. That's why.


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