Image Credit: Garitzko
Conspiracy theories can be very strange rabbit holes to wander down. While some theories may have some elements of truth to them, most of them are just that: theories. Ideas by single minds that somehow get perpetuated to the masses and in that, those theories end up reaching larger audiences who no longer seem to have the grasp that these are simply "theories."
Got to give some credit to Cracked, though. For years, the site has called out some of the more well-known conspiracy theories and shown them for just how silly or asinine they are. Seems they are at it again with 5 Conspiracy Theories That Are So Dumb They're Brilliant. It is sometimes important to find humor in just how absurd some of these theories are. Just the fact that someone thinks the ALS ice bucket challenge is actually a satanic baptism ritual is just too hilarious to NOT be shared with the masses.
Ironic plot twist: am I perpetuating such conspiracies by writing about them and bringing more attention to them? I sure hope so, as some of these are hilarious.