RemyCarreiro's Blog Posts

The 10 Best Walking Dead Episodes So Far

Image Credit: Angela George

I do not hide my love affair with AMC's The Walking Dead. Though it has the bad habit of being inconsistent from time to time, it still offers us something very different on the modern television landscape:


I come from a time when a zombie TV show was unheard of. Though there may be more zombie shows now, with even more set to come soon, that was not the case before The Walking Dead became one of the biggest shows on TV. If you are a fan like I am, this list of the 10 best episodes of The Walking Dead will be right up your alley.

A fenced in alley, filled with walkers.

A Cinderella Story:The Best Of Bill Murray

Bill Murray is the man. A million people have said it before me, and a million more will say afterwards. He is just one of those actors that transcended his celebrity status and just seems like an awesome, approachable, every-man. So rather than me sit here and say the same things everyone else has about Bill Murray, how about we just sit here and watch some of his best moments from film?

We shall allow his body of work to speak on his behalf. It's a beautiful thing.

(YouTube Link)

Bill, hit me up sometime. We'll go crash a party together. It'll be magical. 

The 25 Most Terrifying Urban Legends in the World

Image Credit: Marcus Quigmire

So what urban legend pulls you in the most? I would love to say it is the "guy with hook on his hand who just escaped the mental asylum" story, but for me, it is actually the "don't flash your headlights at another driver whose lights are off because it is a gang initiation move and they will kill you" legend. You know why? Because to this day I see people leaving that advice to one another on Facebook, proving the theory never died. That shows you the true power of an urban legend. It becomes a real entity over time because we, as people, give it legs.

Here, let me give some of these creepy urban legends some more legs with this list of The 25 Most Terrifying Urban Legends In The World. Because I want to ensure that your kid's kids are still talking about these stories like they are true, fifty years from now.

Via TheRichest

Five Nights At Freddy's 2 Trailer Ups The Scares Considerably

(YouTube Link)

Last week, we posted a video of adults reacting to the video game, Five Nights at Freddy's. A PC game where you essentially play as a security guard working at a place where the old-school animatronic characters come to life at night and try to hunt you down when you're not looking at them. It is a tense and twisted game filled with awesome jump scares, and is somehow even more enjoyable when you are watching someone else play it and try not to pee themselves.

Well, good news for people who appreciated the great game and appreciated the joy of watching others scared by it, as it seems we will be getting a chance to experience more of it very soon.

And you thought YOUR job was bad? 

13 Halloween Costumes That Fail So Hard They Win

                       Image Credit: The guy who took it and will never admit to it so we'll never know.

You ever see a Halloween costume that is SO awful, it transcends that status and becomes its own work of art? I have, and it is amazing. A costume that is so bad it is awesome can sometimes be better than a costume that is just plain awesome. Does that make sense? Just look at the Homer Simpson above as a perfect example of this ideology. It is awful, it is terrifying, but if you were at a Halloween party with that and went home, that would be the costume would you be most likely to remember still, days later. That says something. Good or bad, I'm not sure, but it says something.

So if you take as much pleasure in Halloween faux-pas as I do, this list of 13 Halloween Costumes That Fail So Hard They Win will be right up your alley. You have to give these people credit for trying. Not a lot of credit, mind you, but at least some. D for effort seems fair.

366 Weird Movies You Need To See

            Image Credit: Audubon Films

The first weird film I ever remember seeing was Eraserhead when I was just a teenager, and man did it mess with my head.  What I had noticed days after watching it was, unlike most films, Eraserhead stuck with me. It seeped like black oil into my subconscious and just seemed to stay there. From that moment on, I have had a bit of an obsession with weird movies. Movies that are not afraid to tell unconventional stories. Movies so strange and surreal, most would ignore them. So you can only imagine my delight when I found the site 366 Weird Movies. I feel lot like Charlie when he got his golden ticket today.

On most sites, you may get one or two top ten lists of weird movies, but this a site devoted to them. Now if you don't mind, I need to go spend the rest of my life going through this website and finding wonderfully twisted movies to lose myself in.

How To Visualize Music Differently

(YouTube Link)

You listen to music, but do you see it? Do you hear it in the raindrops around you, or realize that there is a rhythm to everything? The way our brains visualize and process musical patterns factors into both how we hear music and how we "see" it. I wont even keep going and pretend I am smart enough to trick you into thinking I have any idea what I am talking about. Instead, I will just let the always-brilliant Ted Ed series of Ted Talks teach you how to visualize music differently. Who knew something as simple as a wheel would change our perception of music?

That last line will make sense after you watch the video.

Now if you don't mind, I am just gonna flip on the blacklight and visualize some Pink Floyd music.

Minions, Adventure Time, and Old Simpsons on The Simpsons

As many of you know, The Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors is a real treat every year, often blending The Simpson's perfect pop culture prowess with some twisted humor and horror elements. I found a clip recently that I thought might have been faked. Come to find out, it's not. This is actually a scene from the forthcoming Halloween episode of this long-running show.

Rather than ruin just how magical it this clip is, I will just sit back and let you watch it (while I watch it myself about 300 more times).

(YouTube Link)

I wont lie. The Adventure Time alt-world reality of the Simpsons made me squee with delight.

5 Scariest Haunted Toys

(YouTube Link)

I believe it was Poltergeist that triggered my fear of toys in me, and I have carried it with me since I was a child. Something about a little, lifeless, object we play with that could come to life at any point is scary (and implausible, and silly, but go with it for a second because it is almost Halloween). 

The scariest part is, as you will from this list, there have been cases throughout history when toys have allegedly been possessed or haunted. With haunted dolls becoming so "in" again (wait, where they ever "in?"), seems a perfect time to drop this list on you of 5 toys that were said to be haunted. Now I know as much as the next guy that the likelihood of any of these stories being true is slim-to-none (a haunted N.E.S? Come on), like I said, it's Halloween. Just let go with it and have some fun for a moment. Oh, and if you are interested, I have a haunted Frisbee I am selling. 

Freaking thing just goes wherever it wants. Must be demons, right? Five bucks or best offer. Hit me up here, we can make it happen.

Costco To Start Carrying 93 Inch Bear Next Month

Image Credit: Claudia Augello, Johnny Sanchez, Scott Yamamura / Seattle Children’s Hospital

As if walking out of Costco with your giant tub of mayo wasn't weird (yet practical) enough, now you might find yourself walking out of Costco with a bear that almost 100 inches tall. I know this is weird, but like, how can you even be mad? Those bears are going to make whoever gets them very happy (as long as they don't live in a studio apartment) and they are only $179.99.

I do realize one hundred eighty dollars may sound steep for a stuffed bear, but would you think that if said bear was being given to a sick child, or being used to re-conciliate a marriage?

If you look at it that way, that is quite reasonable, actually. And don't even act like your face wouldn't light up if someone got you one of those, because we all know it would. All of ours would.

That is what makes it so awesome.

Foxcatcher Trailer Looks To Change The Way We See Steve Carell

(YouTube Link)

You know those moments when you see a trailer and you just know the movie will have some kind of impact on you? That is how I feel about the Foxcatcher trailer. A movie where the normally hilarious and perpetually innocent Steve Carell will take on the much darker demeanor of real life criminal and wrestling enthusiast, John Du Pont.

You can tell this is going to be a game-changer for Carell. An incredibly talented guy who, quite frankly, deserves it. I will toss a little warning your way. The trailer may give a little more away than some may like, so be prepared for that. Sadly, that is how most trailers work lately anyway. You can't be THAT mad, though. This all already happened in real life. Also, allow how much he looks like his Gru character from Despicable Me to distract you from the spoilers in the trailer.

Keep your eyes peeled for Foxcatcher this November. Also, I didn't bring up Channing Tatum on purpose. This isn't Tiger Beat. Just kidding, Channing. We love you. 28 Jump Street: Wrestling School yo!

Alien Director Ridley Scott To Make An Ebola Miniseries

Image Credit: Gage Skidmore

Brilliant director Ridley Scott is taking a stab at adapting the terrifying 1994 book about an Ebola outbreak called The Hot Zone into a TV minseries. Not sure if this has been green lit because of the fact that Ebola is all up in our news and our social media and our subconsciousness, but you can read more about the miniseries at WeGotThisCovered. Also: The Hot Zone author Richard Preston talks about a possible update to his 1994 bestseller in the New York Times.

The reality is, I loved the book (even though it is super scary) and I think Ridley Scott is brilliant (I am even one of the seven people who don't hate Prometheus), so as long as I have not died of Ebola by the time the show comes out, I will definitely watch it.

I just totally doomed myself to die of Ebola, huh?


Horror Short: Mockingbird

(YouTube Link)

The helplessness of an infant is something most horror writers and directors wont even tread on. They know it is too much for some people to even try to fathom, so they don't touch it. For that reason, when someone does finally tread, it can be even more terrifying a thought because we so rarely "go there".

This leads us to Mockingbird. An amazing little horror short from the crew over at FEWDIO. It takes the idea of the helplessness of a child to new heights, all while never showing us a thing. Just using the simplicity of a haunting nursery rhyme and great sound design to drive the horror home. Don't worry, it's not gory. It's very disturbing, but not gory. When horror is this scary, it doesn't have to be gory.

I have said this about Fewdio's work before (seriously, go spend a few hours on their YouTube page after you spent a few hours here) and I will say it again: they do more with horror in two minutes than most full length, big budget, million dollar films. Hell, here they only needed a minute and a half.

9 People Killed By Unexpected Things That Fell From the Sky

Image Credit: Hariadhi

So imagine one day you are at a fast food taco place we will call Taco Hut for legal reasons, and right before you get to take your first bite of their weird meat substitute covered in fake cheese and wrapped in God knows what, the giant sign in the parking lot doubles over and lands on you, killing you instantly. I know that sounds like a Monty Python sketch that would satire American excess, but that actually happened to someone.

The craziest part?

That is only one story. There are more people who were unexpectedly crushed by even stranger things. 9 people killed by unexpected things that fell from the sky reads like a Twilight Zone episode. It is like chicken little's greatest warning cry to us all was true, and to think, we just scoffed at him.

Are Photorealistic Video Games Possible One Day?

(YouTube Link)

I remember a few years back, sitting and playing the opening level of God of War 3 on my Playstation 3, and I thought to myself games are not going to get much better looking than this. That was four years ago, and even with a whole new generation of consoles now, I still stand behind the thoughts. Yes, there are games that are visually stunning, but we have almost reached a peak in gaming, visually speaking. Some of us wonder where it will go next. Just how much better looking can games get, really?

Well, the uber-nerds over at Gamespot try to pose and answer the question many of us have wondered for the last few years now:

Are photorealistic games possible?

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