They has been used as a gender nonspecific pronoun for hundreds of years. The author writes "But I see absolutely no reason other than laziness to start subbing our hes and shes with a clunky they, or our hises and hers with theirs" But she has it backwards. They is being subbed out with a clunky 'he or she' (really, which one is more elegant when you say/read them?). It just seems to me like she is annoyed by the convention and came up with a bunch of reasons why we should agree with her, and simply chose to ignore the facts about its historical usage.
But she has it backwards. They is being subbed out with a clunky 'he or she' (really, which one is more elegant when you say/read them?). It just seems to me like she is annoyed by the convention and came up with a bunch of reasons why we should agree with her, and simply chose to ignore the facts about its historical usage.