At my older daughter's wedding reception some guy was going around taking photos. No one I knew or hired and found out neither did the groom's side. I confronted him, grabbed his camera to destroy any photos and told him to get lost or I'd call the cops. He did, and I never did find out what was up. Maybe someone was going to rob the guest's rooms. I'll never know. I guess I scared him enough for sure.
I enjoy some slots. Often a machine will go off like you are winning a big jackpot---sounds/lights flashing and when it is all over you might be a couple $ to the good. Devious.
Again-- I happened to be DJ-ing on FM radio the day that the tune was played by stations at 11 AM EDT. We had it and I played it. Sadly if I recall, most of the food that was shipped to Ethiopia rotted on the docks as there wasn't much infrastructure to move it to where it was needed.
my very first basketball game in junior high school, I scored a basket for the opposing team. I had grabbed a rebound---saw the hoop--and put it in--thinking I was making a great move. I'm a fast learner.
WOW. My now 7 year old twin Granddaughters were MONOAMNIOTIC. An in utero laser procedure at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia ensured both survived. Miracle babies.
I remember we had that song at the radio station when I happened to be manning the DJ booth. The idea was all stations that could play the tune at 11 AM Eastern time. I did.