I'm 81 and realize my days are numbered. I thank God for every day above ground and try to make the best of every one I have left. One observation---time seems to pass more quickly---the weeks whiz by. This could be normal at a certain age ?
One time in one of the high school biology labs we were doing the dissection of fetal pigs. A student called me over and showed me one that had both genitalia, a true hermaphrodite.
Speaking of Halley's Comet I remember my grandfather telling me how spectacular it was. Visible in daytime. Had a lot of people in fear. Some think it had some causal effect in the later flu epidemic..
One fall semester at college I paid my bill with 7 one hundred dollar bills just for the heck of it. I worked hard all summer in a factory and earned a lot. Was fun counting them out one by one at the cashier's.