Melphistopheles's Comments

I learned a lot about pet skunks while I was a "Pose your pets with Santa" at a pet store. One family brought by their pet skunk, which was very sweet, but its claws got tangled in my horrible fake beard, and I thought that she would maul me, (they have very sharp claws and teeth)but she just sat still as they untangled her. Most pet skunks suffer from being overweight, even if you feed them the most dietetic cat food around, which is what is recommended. This is probably because their diet in the wild is mostly insects, grubs, earthworms, and eggs if they can manage it, and I'm sure that they burn a lot more calories getting that food in the wild, too. But they do make excellent pets. My dogs would probably disagree.
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KFC are amateurs.
The Vortex restaurant in Atlanta served me a daily special once. Once. I think it was called a southern style burger, or something like that. After you find out what it is, you'll realize why I can't remember what it was called. Part of it is still lodged in my brain, another part in my aorta. Okay, so it's a half pound hamburger, served on a huge southern-style biscuit. But don't stop there. It was topped with not one, not two, not three but four strips of deep-fried, thick bacon. But wait, there's more! On top of all that, a heaping helping of sausage gravy! Served with your choice of side or salad. Just kidding, no salad. I chose a huge pile of tater tots. Ketchup? No way, too much like a vegetable. May-yo-naise! Proud to say that I finished the whole freaking thing, and I either survived, or I'm some kind of meat zombie. Please don't tell my health care company that I subjected myself to this, or they may drop me for a pre-existing condition, "willingness to submit himself to self inflicted medical experimentation"
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It's a proto-Lego. The first attempt at many things fails, sometimes miserably. This prototype for LEGOs failed on three fronts. First, the spikes are quite sharp, second, there are two down sides to the block, no up side, and third, it's made of LEAD, which, I'm pretty sure is frowned upon when used as a children's toy.
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Check this Jack out, kiddies:

Almost forgotten today, but quite the sensation way back.

And by the way, no mention of Captain Jack Harkness from Torchwood? For shame, for shame.
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#14 beat me to the punch!

Everything I ever needed to know, I learned from MST3K.
Although in "The Starfighters" it was never adequately explained why they called the sea rescue device a "Poopy Suit". Hmmmm......
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Pretty awesome. Has anyone thought about converting one of the Space Shuttles into a huge module, permanently docking it to the ISS, and returning the crew via Soyuz? That would give them a heck of a lot of room. They're retiring the shuttles anyway, right? You might even turn it into a space hotel for rich idiots. Just a thought.
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Oh heck yes.
If for no other reason than it would cause an absolute panic amongst the fundamentalist, "The UN is the Antichrist" types. Just a few weeks ago Minnesota Representative and general nutcase Michelle Bachmann tried to propose a bill before the house to forbid the President from replacing the dollar with any international currency. This was featured on The Daily Show on the segment "*#@& That's Never Gonna Happen."
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This is a dieting device, for people hopelessly addicted to ice cream cones. The ridges are very sharp, so when you grab it, it hurts.

Of course, for full effect, use while listening to Lovely Lovely Ludwig.

(Gosh I hope one of you nerds gets that reference.)
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You're all wrong.
It's Dick Cheney's lead tipped "persuader". And it's not for "braining" someone, it is best used on the smaller brain at the other end of the spinal column. But it's not torture!
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@hershers - Starship Troopers is not a comedy, it is a political satire. Listen to the director's commentary. The characters the slavering fanboysngals regard as the heroes are NAZIS. He says so quite plainly. Tell me you noticed that Doogie Howser was wearing a floor length leather trenchcoat and high peaked cap as he tortured and executed "bugs" and didn't think "Doogie Mengele".
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Darn you, Kit Cloud (#1), you beat me to the punch. That's the first thing I thought of when I saw it. But I'm going to specify it only goes forwards in time, because the first thing every backward time traveler tries to do is kill Hitler, and No Hitler = No WWII, No Cold War, No Electronics, No Time Machines = Paradox, so it only goes forwards.
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