Nimrod's Comments

Funny how corporations that DON'T ABUSE THEIR CUSTOMERS seem to have no problems with lawsuits of any sort.

Really Alex, are you buying the rich elite's propaganda that lawyers are bad for the people when the people have nothing but the right to sue left.

I haven't ONCE EVER seen a cop arrest a white collar criminal. The courts are our only hope to defend our rights and as an American you should know that.
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That would involve an officer actually doing some investigation.

These days reporters and police only do investigation on television shows and movies.
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This writer is just pulling Providence figures out of their butt.

"In 2003, of the 239 United States cities with populations over 100,000, Providence's violent crime rate ranked 84th, as compared with New York City at 94th and Boston at 28th.[6]"

Boston is more violent than Providence.

As for nightlife. WTF is this person talking about?

We have Three entertainment papers that are full every week.

Sound like this idiot didn't set foot off of Brown university campus and believed the idiotic propaganda they feed the students here to keep them from partying.
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You can sit in FDR's private train car if you live in Seattle!!

Go to Andy's Diner 2963 4th Ave S

The Private dining car from FDR's 1944 campaign is part of the 7-8 trains that make up the diner.

Oh crap. i see that Andys has gone under. oh crud....
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The reason we never have any improvements in house design?

RESALE VALUE. Lazt real estate agents want homes that are easy for them to sell with no thought so they tell people with well designed homes that their house has less resale value simply because it works better as a house than the neighbors.
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This is my favorite review.

Reviews Written by
E. Solomonson RSS Feed

Wet Platinum Silicone based lube 8.9oz

Perfect for evading motion detectors!,
April 3, 2010
This review is from: Wet Platinum 8.9oz (Health and Beauty)

As an international jewel thief I have had to use a variety of personal lubricants to slide across museum floors underneath motion detectors and this is by far the best. The fact it is not water soluble adds to it usefulness when bungling French constabulary slip and fall while scrambling to alert others that the Carbuncle of Rajapuristan (supposedly cursed) has been stolen.

I really wish "Wet Platinum" would make grappling hooks and crossbows too. Lord knows that is an area that needs a good dose of "Wet Platinum" quality.
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Do you know who would bet 8 million on a 50-50 lotto?

The philosopher Voltaire is said to have made his fortune by buying out a lottery that was less than ideally run.
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