Sorry, Buzzkiller. I have been posting here for a long time. Just because I don't agree with your opinion that this criminal is some sort of grand visionary doesn't make me a troll. Nice try, though.
artgirl68, if it were someone breaking into your property, you wouldn't be feeling so warm and fuzzy over it, I'm sure. This guy doesn't deserve the attention, or any sort of credit. He is a lowlife opportunist that used what wasn't his until he got caught. Yeah, what a hero. Wanna be just like him. *eyeroll* Why not glorify people who actually do innovative things legally and make something of themselves without breaking laws? This guy is dirt.
Lighten up? I think that a lot of people commenting here need to grow up.
The guy still committed a crime. No, it wasn't murder or something earth shatteringly horrific, but he still broke into someone else's property and decided to use it for his own profit. That deserves punishment, even if he had just moved in and done nothing else there. The only person who needs to worry about the best interest of the property owner, or the property, is the property owner. The property owner is the only person with a right to what goes on there.
This guy's "initiative" is hardly worth celebrating considering it wasn't his bar to begin with. It's not like he earned the money to buy it and run it legally. He's just a lowlife with no respect for what doesn't belong to him. I'm not saying he deserves the chair for it or anything, but he does deserve to be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law and nothing more.
Just to add, I generally like the crime stories. I'm a true crime junkie most of the time. This is just one of those crimes that some people would defend, so that was my knee jerk reaction to it. Possibly a bit over the top, and if so, my apologies, but it really, really, rubbed me the wrong way. I know people who have had an ongoing issue with squatters, and it tends to get under my skin having seen how damaging these entitled types are.
Oh, I know. It's really just me, I think. I have a special disgust for squatter types, and thought, how is his crime special enough to get this sort of attention?
I don't know. The fact that it's on Neatorama implies that someone thinks this is neat. Granted, he didn't murder anyone, nor did he get away with it, but it rubbed me the wrong way.
I love boozing as much as the next person, but this guy broke into a place that was not his and sold liquor without a license. Is he meant to be some sort of folk hero? Personally, I think he's a jerk.
Looks like they are using grey squirrels, which are vermin killing off the native species in the UK. Regardless, this is something I would try. It's strangely intriguing, certainly original, and appeals to my sense of the macabre.
Lighten up? I think that a lot of people commenting here need to grow up.
Yeah, I can't my words that begin with "p" right today.
This guy's "initiative" is hardly worth celebrating considering it wasn't his bar to begin with. It's not like he earned the money to buy it and run it legally. He's just a lowlife with no respect for what doesn't belong to him. I'm not saying he deserves the chair for it or anything, but he does deserve to be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law and nothing more.