happycrab's Comments

Yes, well that might work in the fantasy world of leprechauns and unicorns you inhabit; but out here in the real world, turning the other cheek to the wrong person is likely to get you killed, and extending an olive branch all too often only gives a psychopath something to beat you with. If I ever caught someone doing something like this to my cat - or any other defenceless animal - I would do my utmost to stomp their worthless, cowardly ass into the pavement, just to teach them a sorely-needed lesson about picking on someone their own size. Sorry if that ruffles your sunshine-and-lollipop feathers, but it rankles when someone compares me to a torturer.
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See, now why don't they still make awesome stuff like this? All we have now is batteries this and HD that, you can't fix anything yourself anymore, rant, rave, etc.
I long for the days of good clean fun and relaxation like a Niagara bath. Oh, for a soothing river bath before drifting off to sleep...
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My family once had a cat who learned the hard way that a nice warm dryer isn't the greatest place for a nap either. Let's just say it took a few muffled "thumps" and faint meows before my horrified mother figured out what was going on!
This was the same cat that survived a run-in with a lawnmower and numerous close shaves with cars. She definitely used up every one of her nine lives before she went to that great catnip patch in the sky.
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Agreed. And anyone who knew what they were doing would make sure any trap was tethered. This is someone being an a****le.
When I was a kid, we nearly lost our cat Gumby to trap. She did end up losing two of her toes, when she finally made it home after almost two weeks. We thought she was a goner!
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I can just imagine some of the classic movie lines done like this:

"Frankly, Scarlet: (puff puff) I don't give (puff) a damn"

“The truth?!" (puff puff) You can't han (puff puff) dle the truth!”

Or Roy Batty's "Tears in Rain" soliloquy.
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