happycrab's Comments

The poutine in that photo looks like it was made with chicken gravy - un grand faux pas! It has to be beef gravy; and nearly boiling hot, so it melts the cheese curds when you pour it over them. Then the melted cheese oozes down between the fries, turning everything into a gooey, molten mass of cheesy, heart-stopping goodness.
And for God's sake, don't let it get cold - you'd need a chisel to get it out of the bowl once it sets up!
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I've seen clips on (I believe it was) YouTube of people kayaking the Fundy tidal bore. It looks like it'd be quite challenging, judging what I know of kayaking - and from my experience doing the tidal bore rafting experience! I went years ago when I was a teenager. My wife went a few years ago with a bunch of girlfriends: They were soaked to the bone and hoarse from screaming when they got back to dry land. Good times!
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I love visiting these caves! We used to go there on school trips when I was a kid, and now I enjoy taking my daughter (and her grandma!) to see them. The Bay of Fundy has some crazy geological formations including the iconic Hopewell Rocks, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopewell_Rocks)
and the Bay of Fundy itself is home to some of (if not THE) highest tides in the world, which causes a really cool tidal bore. You can even go rafting on it!
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Thank you for explaining what the hell it is we're looking at. The tree components and their red-scarved companions look like pale, fuzzy turds. The...whatever the hell it is...in the left background looks like Chewbacca dry-humping that column. My kind of aquarium! Where's Troy McClure when you need him?
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