happycrab's Comments

Oswald looks suspiciously like Felix the Cat, who pre-dates him by some 7 years or more. Typical Disney: "borrow" heavily from someone else's already-existing work, change it ever so slightly, then re-name it and claim it as your own. He made a career out of doing this, and aggressively challenging - usually by long, drawn-out court cases which he had the deep pockets to win - anyone who objected.
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He should take Robertson Davies' advice. When people would ask him if he was Santa Claus (who he did resemble quite a bit in his later years), he would either answer:
"No, I am the musical member of the family, Sonata Claus" or
"No, I am his brother, Sharp Claws. Are you Simple Simon?" (or Mother Goose, depending on the gender of the questioner)
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Holy cow, really? I can't imagine how many puffins it'd take to make a decent meal. They're not that big - about the size of a bigger pigeon. Still, I suppose if you were living somewhere like Iceland, you had to pretty much eat whatever you could get your hands on!
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Although I expect he's now best-known as Gandalf, I can never look at Ian McKellen without thinking of him in "Apt Pupil". He was so scary/creepy in that movie - yeesh! Or perhaps even better, his "Richard III".
Ditto P. Stewart - most likely know him from Star Trek or X-Men, but he's also made some other wonderful films. Top of my personal list is "Safe House" - what a head trip!
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Some people will believe anything. When I was a kid, we convinced my sister that naugahyde came from small South American animals called naugas. She believed it until she was a teenager!
Our Scottish neighbour used to make haggis when I was growing up. Living on a farm, we were used to eating sweetmeats and other offal, so haggis wasn't much of a stretch. It's basically like loose hamburger, just a little chewier. No biggie, except our neighbour made hers so salty you needed to drink gallons of water with it. We were too young for whiskey!
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"Inspired by Cash's stunt, Schramm decided to inject some sex appeal into the Cowboys."
In other words, titties n' beer.
I once read that the average football game has something like only 11 minutes of actual play. It's like watching paint dry. No wonder they had to sex it up somehow - it probably would have gone the way of the dinosaur, otherwise.
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My current fave was born of sheer desperation. I was out of lemons!

Slice a clementine in half and use a juicer to squeeze both halves into a tumbler. Add two ice cubes and a generous splash of iced Grey Goose or some other premium vodka. Let it sit for a few minutes so the ice melts a little, then swirl the glass around to mix everything together and enjoy!
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Ha ha! You sure felt like you were controlling the universe back in the day, when for the first time you could actually hook a console up to your TELEVISION and play a game! Whoever had one of those was the baddest-ass kid in the neighbourhood!
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