My iMac computer is an 'early 2005'...that's right, it's over 10 years old. And now it doesn't work so good (it tends to overheat badly when put under stress), but still. It's more than 10 years old and -still works- so I think that says something for the product, as far as technology goes. (still, I've got to get a newer one, geh.)
Though... I have to say, Atkins wouldn't approve of most of these since they contain lots of starch and sugar in addition to the bacon. The high protein/fat diet only works if you aren't stuffing your maw with biscuits and sugar at the same time...
Unfortunately, 'old person in wheelchair' actually -is- a red flag for a possible drug mule simply because the smugglers are hoping people will feel bad for the elder and not check them or their chair. See also 'pregnant woman' and 'small child'. Also, you can get a lot more stuff packed into a chair.
I drink so much coffee -and- tea. And I have spearmint that's threatening to overwhelm a planter in my front yard, so I think I need to try that green-tea-spearmint Moroccan thing, if only to help stem the tide...
Is it kind of sad that I felt bad for it when the guy kicked it? (Even though I know they were just demonstrating its ability to compensate for collision...)
I wish I could adopt this guy once he's well, but I'm sure there's a thousand-mile long line for him already, plus I'm not anywhere near FL...but still. (Though I'd definitely rename him... probably to Romero, haha.)
I'd wager it's because due to the spoilability of non-treated crops, they tend to be from smaller, more local growers who have the will and ability to pay more attention to their produce. It hasn't traveled as far, and may well have been left on the vine/on the tree/in the ground a little longer, making it more tasty. The mass produced stuff would undoubtedly be just as good, except it's inevitably been harvested in an unripe state in order to travel better.
I also have tried snake. It's tasty enough (reminiscent of somewhat overcooked frog legs) but I agree, too much bone, not enough meat. Maybe if it were bigger; pythons are a real problem in Florida... I sense a real opportunity here.
Mythbusters soundly disproved those disc shaped contraptions; they just folded under Adam and dumped him repeatedly into the pool. Chances are, they're just something invented to make the legend of the ninja more threatening so the actual ninja didn't have to do as much work.
The Cairo Museum has a much less than spotless record when it comes to caring for the antiquities in their possession. This absolutely isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened, only the most recent and egregious. I remember seeing a priceless necklace disintegrating in its case because it wasn't even sealed properly and water from the often-open window above it had gotten in. While I respect the desire for people to have their cultural artifacts on hand... I really think there needs to be a caveat on it that states 'as long as they are able to properly preserve them'.
When it's cold and still gelatinous...well, it still tastes okay but it's not -good-.
Poor Spot.