Garaan's Comments

Absolutely agree. You can argue 2-3 bucks for a burger, time to cook, skill of chef is worth something (for me, the fact that I don't have a hungry predator swarm milling around me while I eat is important)... but charging 3-4 bucks for a cup of sugar water is just criminal.
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That's a ball python, and as someone who had one, there's few things they like more than to crawl into holes. While I don't have large-gauge holes in my ears, I do have hoop style rings, and mine spent an awful lot of time trying to stick his head through them. Fortunately, they're small enough that he couldn't quite get his head through, but it didn't stop him from trying. Repeatedly. Snakes are dumb like that.
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I still don't like 'em. As previously mentioned, it's a crapshoot whether the reader is enabled or not, and more importantly, the two main sources of card fraud (online and gas stations) are not affected by having a chip or not. At least, I've never seen a gas station with a chip reader. You can still get your number stolen and they can still buy 50k worth of crap on amazon with it, whether there's a chip in the damn thing or not. It's just an annoyance, as far as I'm concerned.
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I remember seeing a web design job where they insisted the (entry level) web wrangler be 'fluent in HTML-5'... when HTML-5 had only launched a month or so prior to the job listing...
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Oof. It's cool! But good lord, over an hour? They should've cut it into clips no longer than 5-8 minutes honestly. Post one a week for awhile. The 'tiny clip' mode of editing is just too hard to watch for long periods.
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When I was in Japan, I found some absolutely stellar t-shirts that I wish I could've bought... elaborate and ornamental typography repeating the names of common medications, for example. But sadly, I am rather bigger than the average Japanese and none of them would have fit. I do have a tote bag that reads 'BARK BARK and BARK - Take away the cause and the effect will cease.' ...True, but curiously random. There was also a cat one (which I think I also have but can't find) and a pig one.
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I dunno... I think into a childhood a little trauma must fall. I caught an episode of In Search Of when I was a kid, on the Amityville Horror, and since I thought ISO was all true at that age (it was hosted by a Vulcan, right? Vulcans never lie!) it left enough scars that I couldn't bear to watch the actual movie until I was like 25 (and am still vaguely unsettled by dolls). (At which point I felt really dumb.) And yet I was motivated to get over my fear of the scary and these days... I work in the Haunted Attraction industry. Watership Down would've been pretty tepid without those villains, too.
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They just got rid of H2, too, turning into 'Viceland' or... all COPS Reruns All The Time, or Lives of the Rich And Drug-dealery. Their promise to move the interesting content back to History seems to have been false, because History is STILL nothing but endless reruns of crappy reality shows (which is why I stopped watching it).
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Lining the pockets of the politicians, probably. Here, electricity's ridiculous because it's because it's a desert, it's 120 degrees for 3-5 months of the year, and the power company knows they can get it. Even though you'd think taking advantage of solar means it'd be basically free... somehow just the opposite seems to happen.
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I... don't think that's a Scottish Fold; he doesn't have folded ears! Although I suppose he might just not carry the gene (which is good for him since the gene that makes the ears flop over is also responsible for the cats getting arthritis by 2 years old...)
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You can't really prevent ALL injury because someone will absolutely find a way to stick their appendage where no sane person would stick it. Or like... they'll squash it in the restraint bar while it's coming down or something. I once got a horrible contusion on my leg on Splash Mountain but that's because I was stuck sitting in front of someone that was very very overweight and there was so little room between me and the front of the car that the weight falling forward on the drops squashed my leg against the frame of the car. They can't prevent that (and my friend seriously needs to drop some stones, tbh.)
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