Chris Taylor's Comments

I know we don’t want to die and don’t want our loved ones to die, but nature demands that we have a limited time on this planet… so this is cool but morally wrong. If everyone lives pretty soon no one will be allowed to reproduce, which is against nature. Still pretty cool.


you over 30-35? yes? please drop dead now. your existence is immoral and an afront of nature since average lifespan of human beings was well under 40 years just a few hundred years ago. probably a lot lower at some point.

Death is a disease. Something to be fixed/terminated

In fact fixing this problem we call death and dramatically extending human lifespans (at least 200 better 300 years) would "FIX" a tremendous number of our problems. Namely that of "consequences" Most of the uber wealthy people "do things" that are "not so good" but because the "effect" or consequences of their decisions will not be realized until after they are dead they simply do not care.
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Veronica. Your right this is normal for a capitalist environment alas we are NOT SUPPOSED to be living in a purely capitalist environment. We are a constitutional republic with strict LIMITATIONS that are supposed to be in place specifically to PREVENT this type of out of control capitalism from even occurring. Alas our politicians are bought and paid for and our population more and more apathetic and uneducated.

The result is the laws in place to PREVENT this from happening are being removed 1 by 1 which is allowing more and more pure capitalism to take hold. 50+ years ago this would have been impossible to do legally.
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Actually, the 1000′ wide is incorrect.
The hole is actually 300′ wide x 412′ deep, roughly 1000′ in diameter.

Circumference ?? Diameter is the same as "wide" 300-400 feet wide would be 942-1256 ft circumference.
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"I was waiting for the one where space vehicles do not fly like airplanes. There is no pulling up, there is no air to pull up against thus any change in direction of movement or direction that the ship is pointing must be done by some sort of thruster. Which is a real shame, the fighting scenes in Star Wars look so cool."

Actually this is not quite right. at OUR space velocities you just thrust but NOT at there velocities. These ships of sci-fi do not have the same limitations as "we" do for fuel and speed and acceleration. They also have artificial gravity this does many things.

First by "banking and maneuvering like an aircraft does you optimize your PRIMARY thrust unit your main engines. your "thrusters" can you shove you sideways at 2g's but if you spin and then use the main engine you can.

also buy maneuvering like this you make the AG field's job easier since it would probably be harder for it to "pull" you sideways or upwards to counter such maneuvers. the most realistic "space fighter" scenes I have seen are in BSG - they do it like it probably would really happen ie spin and aim with thrusters and push with the main engines.

Also so far most "sci fi" AG fields have limited range so when you go "outside" the ship OR they "turn off" the AG Field where your at then YES you go weightless.

as for sound in space. This must be given to them. They have to. Go watch BSG or Star Trek or Star Wars but first mute your sound every time you see space.

Pretty boring ehh ?

Sound is NOT the vibration of air sound is the vibrations of MATTER ie sound goes faster or slower the more or less dense the matter it goes through. so sound is faster in water or steel than it is in air.

Also another thing people whine about. Aerodynamics WILL be important in space. space is NOT a vacuum its just really close to one. about what 1 part per million for atoms ? at our speeds thats vacuum but at say .9c suddenly thats a shit load of matter your running into :-)

"If you have forward momentum and you impart a momentum on a standing person (say, with a kick), then both of you will move forward."

This statement is not false but its also not true since it depends on your mass and inertia and there mass inertia.

IE go punch a brick wall and see if your fist keeps moving forward :-) so how far they move will depend on how fast your moving and how much mass you are and they are. I have had kids run into me and I get shoved back slightly and they go flying back the way they came in rebound :-) I significantly out massed them :-)

the only way they would move backwards and you would move forward is if yo imparted enough energy to move them and then STILL had some energy left over and that would allow you to continue to move forward.
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