JDC's Comments
Maybe it is true, maybe all those images of the round earth were manipulated to appear as such, maybe it's all a conspiracy, maybe the earth is flat and they're trying to deny that fact due to some odd reason. . . maybe. . .
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Blame the media, Hollywood, the empire, that monster whose tentacles reach all over the world, infecting people with its distorted views of reality.
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Brought to you by McDonald's Inc. All rights reserved.
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For some, the structure of school, of college works, but for others, it doesn't. I've heard again and again of those who waste their lives, and their money --most living in debt for the rest of their lives --on worthless college education that cannot be applied in no way to the working world. Sometimes it's better to learn on one's own, for if the desire to learn a certain subject is so strong in one, one is going to learn it, and one doesn't necessarily have to be enrolled in a school to do it.
Most schools are indoctrination centers that only teach one view and nothing more. Screw that.
Most schools are indoctrination centers that only teach one view and nothing more. Screw that.
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When feces, vomit, urine or dirt is considered art, you know there's something wrong with the art world, or rather, with society in general. What peasant would consider such horror art? Right, those who project their mediocrities onto it. Those who consider this art, have no concept or art.
I blame Warhol, the antithesis of an artist, the destroyer of art.
I blame Warhol, the antithesis of an artist, the destroyer of art.
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When will the 3D madness end!!?
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No wonder they're being attacked. . . . and their demise is due to Monsanto and their monstrous chemicals unleashed on the world. . and of course, there's radiation from all those bloody cell phone towers. .
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They are animals, and should be treated as animals have been treated for thousands of years; as a species that's below us, that is only there to serve, and to provide for us humans. Might seem terrible, but that's the nature of animals and humans. Humans; masters; animals; slaves. What these peasants are trying to do is nothing more than confuse the masses further, or rather, to keep tying the noose tighter with their political correctness BS.
Why should we be dictated on what we can and cannot say?
Why should we be dictated on what we can and cannot say?
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"This is why once a person buys into a consiracy it is very difficult to change their mind."
And that is why the majority stupidly believe everything the mainstream media tells them, without questioning, simply thinking that they always tell the truth. If they say A is D, then A IS D.
Conspiracies, or anything outside the box of the conditioned world, gets attacked by the media ad nauseam, by including such information within the context of a tv show, film, movie, and then have the characters react to it in a politically correct way, that way conditioning YOU to act the same way.
Think for yourself. Don't let the idiot box do it. A is A. :oP
And that is why the majority stupidly believe everything the mainstream media tells them, without questioning, simply thinking that they always tell the truth. If they say A is D, then A IS D.
Conspiracies, or anything outside the box of the conditioned world, gets attacked by the media ad nauseam, by including such information within the context of a tv show, film, movie, and then have the characters react to it in a politically correct way, that way conditioning YOU to act the same way.
Think for yourself. Don't let the idiot box do it. A is A. :oP
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Oh, please! He's been dead for years! Only a fool would believe that the most advanced country on earth would not be able to catch a supposed 'terrorist' for more than a decade.
A terrorist, a dictator, a threat, all crucial variables to keep up the charade of protecting the citizens from the boogeyman, and in the process take all their rights away.
All of it so nauseating, so contrived, so pathetic, so transparent of what they're doing. All show, all an act, theatre, facade, stupidities.
Now, Obama will be held as the one who caught Osama. LOL What a world!
A terrorist, a dictator, a threat, all crucial variables to keep up the charade of protecting the citizens from the boogeyman, and in the process take all their rights away.
All of it so nauseating, so contrived, so pathetic, so transparent of what they're doing. All show, all an act, theatre, facade, stupidities.
Now, Obama will be held as the one who caught Osama. LOL What a world!
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I think one has the right to take one's OWN life. It's one's choice. The government shouldn't have a saying in it, for after all, that means one less soul. Aren't they always complaining about over population?
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Homosexuality is biological? When did they find that out? Where is the research, where is the proof? That's the easy answer to make homosexuality normal, when in reality it's a disorder, an illness. Of course, with the guise of equal rights, human rights, or whatever, homosexuality has been crammed down our throats to be seen as something normal -- oh, look it happens in nature too -- All rationalization to normalize this illness as simply a "lifestyle choice."
Yeah, right. Dressing in women's clothing, painting your nails, putting on makeup has no psychological effect on a child whose brain is still developing. None at all. Right. Try it on one of your kids and see what happens.
Yeah, right. Dressing in women's clothing, painting your nails, putting on makeup has no psychological effect on a child whose brain is still developing. None at all. Right. Try it on one of your kids and see what happens.
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This is all about the sissification of the male, devaluing males. .. . look at the majority of males now, they look and act more homosexual than any men in history--- that I know -- isn't this why Rome collapsed? Because of homosexuality. . . Imagine a society crawling with homosexuals. . . no real man to fight, to stand up for their rights. . .solely focused on sex, on the immediate. . . stop this madness!
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Why would anyone lie about a dog being stranded at sea for three weeks? The dog obviously went through hell and that can be seen in his facial expression towards the end of the video.
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Then people wonder why kids hate school. It's the environment, it's the structure.