What a wonderful gift. However, I believe the best gifts don't necessarily cost a lot of money. I think many of us would help out our parents if we were in the financial situation to do so. He's a good son, but I guess I'm too cynical to think it's the best gift ever.
Sorry to post again, but I happened to see my vet today for dog vaccinations and she couldn't believe what I told her until she saw the article herself. She said that no trained veterinarian would say that the cat is okay to ingest paint. She also said that no veterinarian would have, in good conscience, released that cat without washing all the paint off. Just sad...
I'm pretty horrified that the citizens of this town would allow this cat to continue poisoning itself. Paint is not safe for living things to ingest - it contains toxic compounds and is not digestible. The owner of the garage should clean up the paint or not let the cat sleep in there. Is this how this town treats its children as well? You know what they say about civilizations and how they treat their animals.
We don't have children, but one of our dogs goes bonkers over doorbell sounds. Our doorbell has a volume control and a flashing-light-only mode. This saves our sanity, allows us to sleep in, and avoid solicitors who tend to visit on particular days. Next, I could use a doorbell that rings directly to my phone.
I think it's a testament to natural selection (or your preferred Creator), that despite all of the advances in technology, the camel is still the best way to traverse the sandy dunes. It's a testament to man's ingenuity that we can have such a private view of a desert half a world away. I can't wait for Google Street View integration with Oculus.
I moderated my college (UCSD) in the early 2000s - our page went from receiving ~20 submissions/day to ~450/day. I can only imagine what it's up to now.
I mentioned Don Hertzfeldt in a chatroom a couple weeks ago and was met with the online equivalent of "blank stares." This made me feel less irrelevant =).
As a companion to this video, there is also a vid by Lehigh University of professors reading their own reviews: http://time.com/3340958/professors-read-rate-my-professors-reviews/
Hope it's okay to post a link; if not, go ahead and remove my comment. =)