Maybe they didn't have to quit their jobs, but how many employers will let you take 10 months off work without firing you? "Everyone can do this if they tried," is the epitome of privilege.
I refuse to believe this was in the presence of adults for more than 5 seconds before its true nature was determined. Come on, they didn't know? Does anyone really buy that?
They shouldn't have moved the sculpture. Are they going to move the street because people walk into the intersection without looking? (I've personally seen this happen). Stupidity should not be met with accommodation.
My father had a yellow frogfish for many years. They do a funny gallop and have huge stomachs. It swallowed my dad's porcupine pufferfish, which proceeded to puff up. All the spines made the frogfish' skin tent out all over, and we thought it wouldn't survive. Well, it did, and went on to eat a yellow tang before my dad gave it its own tank. Fascinating creatures.
Obviously, Russia has solved all of its problems, giving them the time and money to harass people who don't subscribe to religious nonsense. I take it people who smile with braces will also have their licenses revoked if they ever get their braces removed? I'm kind of glad they stepped up to take the stupidity prize from Florida.
Why would you marry someone who had so little interest in you that they don't notice a huge glaring object you're holding in 95% of the pictures? Either that or it's brain damage. In that case, her not being to notice the world around her isn't novel. Just wow. What people pretend to do for attention.
I would have liked to see them try more traditional American sauces. The average American BBQ consumer does not eat their BBQ with raspberry sauce and citrus marinades.
I can't imagine rather wanting two other people to die just so I could live.
When I drive, I have chosen to take on the responsibility of operating a machine capable of killing people. It only seems fitting that, if possible, for negative consequences to fall upon me rather than upon innocent pedestrians.
If they're jaywalking, then that's a different story. In that situation, I say run them all down.
Plus, if my friends can mountain bike and play frisbee while high, who are these horribly uncoordinated people who can't even catch a giant inflatable ball?
The snake with the porcupine died from falling off a cliff; snakes actually eat porcupines all the time.
As for this snake, there is no way for them to determine cause of death without a proper necropsy. It's pure speculation that it died from eating too much. In reality, snakes often eat longer snakes and just let the tail hang out of their mouths until it's digested enough to swallow more.
When I drive, I have chosen to take on the responsibility of operating a machine capable of killing people. It only seems fitting that, if possible, for negative consequences to fall upon me rather than upon innocent pedestrians.
If they're jaywalking, then that's a different story. In that situation, I say run them all down.
As for this snake, there is no way for them to determine cause of death without a proper necropsy. It's pure speculation that it died from eating too much. In reality, snakes often eat longer snakes and just let the tail hang out of their mouths until it's digested enough to swallow more.