Not sure why toothpaste companies would need to "bring in new clients." I hope everyone's a client, but judging by the amount of people with their "Summer Teeth" I'd guess maybe not. (some 'r here, some 'r there)
Also, I would hope that the huge fireball/smoke trail at the scene would be an indication for most people to look away from their smartphones and be prepared to slow down/stop. :)
In regards to being fired, I guess I can't blame them for that then but maybe your boss isn't worth working for if they fire you for stopping to assist at an accident scene. I also didn't consider the fact that he may have been clearing the scene as you suggest, and I might even go so far as to add that they may have been anxious about litigation since our country is so lawsuit happy that you can't even help someone with a lawyer breathing down your neck...Oh well, glad to hear that no one was seriously hurt.
Please, for the love of more Deadpool!!!!1! Also SMH at women that have to incorporate cleavage into their cosplay. I'll take Kaylee from Firefly over she-Marty McFly anyday of the week.
Spent 10 years in funeral service. Doesn't seem like a long time, but the average person only lasts 5 years...probably because of situations like this. I sometimes think I need to write a book as well, but it seems like everyone is doing it these days and the market is saturated. Oh well...