Go with the plastic molded trays, like Invisalign, SmileDirect, etc, over braces. They work twice as fast, the cost is half that of traditional braces, and you only wear them at night.
We went for vacation last summer to Orlando and there was a gent from the UK that lost part of his finger on a ride (or maybe it was just a nasty laceration?), so someone must have been on break. I don't recall the ride, but it wasn't one you'd associate with injury--might have been It's A Small World, or one of those that you just sit back and relax for 2 minutes after you've been in line for an hour.
I was being a bit facetious but even that's bordering a wee bit too long on the teet but I'm just a guy and what do I know :P. I am all for the health benefits but going for more than a year creeps me out a smidge.