In a casual reading of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-265) by me I did not see anything about a 'food police' having this sort of authority. In fact the only thing it talks about that the feds (Secretary of Educ. and Secretary of Health and Human Services) would provide guidance and technical assistance. Its intent was to provide a framework for the creation of local policies for promoting student wellness through education and what foods were offered throughout the campus by the school's administration. It looks like another example of the typical draconian re-intepreation of current laws to promote political agendas that is becoming all to common lately. Just like the Civil Rights Act has been used to justify hiring quota or college acceptance quotas (There is absolutely no mention of quotas anywhere in that Act) this one has been used to justify the creation of a 'food police' with the authority to over-ride the parent's decisions regarding their childs dietary needs. Yes, the act was passed by Republicans (just as it took a Republican congress to get the Civil Rights Act passed in the 1960's) but how any Act is currently being implimented and enforced can be blamed on whatever administration is currently in power since they are responsible for determining what guidelines are given to ensure compliance.
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