Dave 20's Comments

I received a bottle of water at a conference recently, and the label on the bottle actually bragged up the fact that the company was using smaller labels on its bottled water because it was somehow more environmentally responsible. As if a smaller paper label on a normal 16oz PETE bottle makes much of a difference... Never mind the fact that many of those recyclable bottles will end up in landfills, there's a company that's making a difference!
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I read a story recently about a city that's considering not doing the big public pillow fight, because the cost of the cleanup following the last one was in the six figures. The participants made a huge mess and left it for 'them' to clean up. Slobs.
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A 16oz glass of water has a 16oz impact? Not likely, unless you're drinking straight out of the ground. If it's treated at all, it's about a 2-to-1 ratio of water used to get potable water. And if it's been purified by reverse osmosis (most bottled water, and many home water purifiers) it's more like 4-to-1.

And like others have said, water is used over and over and over again; it doesn't go away easily. I read once that the water flowing through the Thames has been drank many times over. Ewww.

Also, aren't we gaining a bunch of fresh water with the melting ice caps and glaciers? Global Warming Bonus!
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Nothing new. spookytooth.com has been building bikes like that for years. Very affordable too. You can even buy kits to retrofit a regular bike with a gas motor. That last option isn't as stylish as the rat-rod style bikes, it gets the job done, and doesn't make you stand out in a crowd.

I found spookytooth a while back when looking into adding an electric motor to my bike for summer commuting. The electric is a nice option, but limits your range a bit.
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I'd never heard of Cafferty before either (too cheap to buy cable tv) but he is dead-on with this subject.

Too many parents see the crappy behavior of their kids as somehow endearing, and are somehow oblivious to how annoying those 'endearing' little tantrums can be to the rest of us. Those kids are terrors because they have no fear of their parents, and that is a result of their parents being too wimpy to discipline them. Someone once said that children are born barbarians, and as parents, our job is to civilize them. After four kids, I can vouch for the truth in that.
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Johnny Cat; quicker than me!

Save the trees; kill a newspaper.

Interesting that the demise of this newspaper is blamed on the economy and not the management. I'd hazard a guess that the paper was in serious trouble before the economy headed south.
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Now, come on; if it were an angel, he'd be putting those wings to use, doncha think?

And what's with all the bile spewed over this post? What if the image captured some guy walking on tip-toe, wearing black or red with something looking like horns sticking out his head? Spirituality is only ok to discuss if it's from the dark side?
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There's asking someone to say please and there's being an obnoxious twit and demanding that someone say please; I think this guy crossed that line. You don't mess around with agents that have firearms pointed at you, lethal or not.
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