I just watched the Hatsune Miku video linked above. Someone please tell me all those people rocking out in the crowd were paid to be there. Because if they weren't--if they paid their own hard-earned yen to go to that show--then I feel kind of dead inside.
I saw the whale sharks at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta a few years ago. We were told that, while the shark's mouth could easily accommodate a small car, the esophagus is only about the diameter of a quarter. Amazing animals.
"Raccoons aren't cute, they are disgusting disease carrying nuisances."
Actually, raccoons are cute AND they are disgusting, disease-carrying nuisances. The cognitive dissonance between those two facts, both of which are true, is why this post has 30-some comments on it while most others have one or two.
Pit bulls are some of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet. Sure, they can be trained to be aggressive; so can bassett hounds. People who fear them are almost always people who have never encountered one.
Indeed. The message here is, "My comfort is more important than that of everyone else in the entire room, who were actively engaged in watching TV before I got here."
I hate loud TVs. I deal with it by avoiding them, not by spoiling other people's fun.
When it turns out the plate-metaphor is still too complicated for American meal-planners, the USDA will eventually replace it with a sign reading, in large, black and white letters, "PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH."
Actually, raccoons are cute AND they are disgusting, disease-carrying nuisances. The cognitive dissonance between those two facts, both of which are true, is why this post has 30-some comments on it while most others have one or two.
I hate loud TVs. I deal with it by avoiding them, not by spoiling other people's fun.