My younger son has cystic fibrosis and was under the care of CHoA for years, until he graduated to the adult CF program at Emory, and we have supported them right back. But if they have run out of actual diseases to fight, we may need to re-think that. This campaign is not just cruel and counterproductive, it's a waste of resources.
So, can you eat lab-grown 'human' meat without committing cannibalism? (Arthur C. Clarke made this the subject of a humorous - albeit somewhat unsettling - short-short story.)
Since my younger son has cystic fibrosis, we've been familiar with two similar devices for years: The 'Flutter' (which looks something like a small, plastic bubble pipe) and the 'Acapella' (a more advanced device that looks like a big ocarina). If you need this sort of pulmonary clearance, you might check them out or do some additional research at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's website.
'White men and women age 15 to 24 with a college degree.' Yes, that's one of the categories. Not a lot of 15-year-olds with college degrees in the sample, I'm betting.
Only busybodies and nanny-wannabes rag on people who drink soda pop anyway. Who cares what justification they give for it? It's just a desire to run other people's lives. If Americans spent as much time on their own business or on aiding people who genuinely need (and want) their help as some of them do on criticizing others' diets, we might have a happier nation, instead of a budding nanny state infested with pinch-faced scolds.
Does this software do anything but put the foreground and background of a photo out of focus? True, that's a characteristic of *poorly photographed* miniatures, but it just doesn't seem that impressive.
Back in 1998 -- as a lark -- I noted down the predictions of Web 'psychic' Elizabeth Joyce, and held on to 'em until the end of the year. There were some doozies: The Iraqi poison-gas attack on Israel! Giant volcanoes exploding all over the Pacific! An earthquake inundating the East Coast! Bill Clinton's resignation! Robert Duvall winning an Oscar!
About five percent of her 'prophecies' panned out. (Mostly Oscar picks.) And she's predicted Doomsday every year since.
It was a valuable learning experience. I take any prophecy of the end of the world very calmly nowadays.
Photo no. 3 is of a Southwest Boeing 737 that overran the end of the runway at Chicago landing in poor weather, crushing a family car and killing a young boy.
Reading cockpit voice recorder transcripts is fun, too.
About five percent of her 'prophecies' panned out. (Mostly Oscar picks.) And she's predicted Doomsday every year since.
It was a valuable learning experience. I take any prophecy of the end of the world very calmly nowadays.
Reading cockpit voice recorder transcripts is fun, too.